Chris Caffery - Faces


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Chris Caffery – Faces
Black Lotus Records – 2004
By Jason Jordan


Savatage. Okay, now that that is out of the way, I can begin the review.

I kind of wince when I see a double-disc album to review; they take up more time than the usual forty-minute album. Don’t get me wrong. It can be a blessing if the band is worthy of accolades. But, in the case of Chris Caffery, a hearty pat on the back will do just fine.

After listening to Caffery’s vocal presentation – and perusing his lyrics – I think of him as a Devin Townsend Lite. He’s got the same aura about him as Devin, but really can’t hold a candle to the maniacal Canadian. Maybe it’s familiarity that counts, though. Several numbers on Faces are hard rock songs that utilize guitar leads (performed exclusively by Caffery), sufficient drumming, and hokey lyrics. “Pisses Me Off” is endearing due precisely to the quirky beat and the humorous lyrics. Nevertheless, a disc full of the aforementioned would most assuredly become grating after a handful of minutes. “The Fall,” contrarily, has a very cool beginning. “Music Man” sees Caffery take a chance accompanying acoustic guitar, rather than the distortion-laden music he’s used to. If you can’t get satiated from the seventy-six minute long Faces, you’re in luck because the bonus disc – “God Damn War” – should hold you over until the apocalypse. Strangely enough, I found the second disc to be superior to the first. The former is noticeably more aggressive and heavier; but be aware that stomaching Chris Caffery’s political views is an absolute necessity. “Fool, Fool” is Pantera-esque, while “Saddamize” has a convincing, Arabian feel. “I” is a plodding composition. “Amazing Grace” is pretty much botched by Caffery’s overuse of vibrato. “Curtains” – the last song on the bonus disc – is plain weird. That’s permissible, though.

Boy are you going to enjoy Faces if you’re a loyal fan of Chris Caffery. If his repertoire doesn’t seem to be within your preferences, then you’ll potentially glean some enjoyment from the aforesaid record. In any case, the group is neither brilliant nor appalling.


Official Chris Caffery website
Official Black Lotus Records website