According to The Pulse Of Radio, SOUNDGARDEN singer Chris Cornell was interviewed recently by PEARL JAM guitarist Mike McCready for Pearl Jam Radio, where Cornell reflected on the early days of SOUNDGARDEN. He recalled: "It was one of those brand new band things, where we wrote probably 10 to 15 songs in a few weeks, really quickly. I got a sense of the sound of the three of us, and that it had its own unique identity, and it wasn't like anything else. I just remember that as being this really euphoric moment, that we were inventing our own thing." Cornell also analyzed the success of Seattle's music scene at the time, saying: "There was a lot more to that scene that was happening than what people sort of understand it to be. I think what it became known for is chiefly four bands: PEARL JAM, NIRVANA, SOUNDGARDEN and ALICE IN CHAINS… There was a lot more going on." SOUNDGARDEN guitarist Kim Thayil told The Pulse Of Radio a while back what he missed from those days. "I think I miss that sort of camaraderie that was shared with other bands in the music community," he said. "I mean, that kind of started disappearing when all the bands started getting bigger and hitting the road. Of course, it is easier now with e-mail and cell phones, but sometime in the '90s that really changed and I kind of miss that sense of community that we had in Seattle back then with a dozen or so bands." Cornell concluded about the Seattle era: "Over time I think it deteriorated, as all scenes do, but it was pretty exciting, and I also don't think that any of us knew that it wasn't the same way in every other city our size in the U.S., but it really wasn't." SOUNDGARDEN has been slowly working on material for its seventh studio album and will enter the studio sometime in 2017 to begin recording. The disc will follow up 2012's "King Animal".
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