Chris, how much can you bench?


New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2010
Hi Chris,

How much do you bench press/curl?
And, honestly, have you ever simultaneously tapped arpeggios with one arm and curled dumbells with the other?

Arthur :headbang:
Hi Chris,

How much do you bench press/curl?
And, honestly, have you ever simultaneously tapped arpeggios with one arm and curled dumbells with the other?

Arthur :headbang:

My name is Chris Broderick and I can dead lift Two Marshall Half Stacks.
My name is Chris Broderick and I can dead lift Two Marshall Half Stacks.

The crazy thing is, I bet he could. I'm just curious as to how he stays so fit in general - he's in fantastic shape for his age. Wish I could look that good...
The crazy thing is, I bet he could. I'm just curious as to how he stays so fit in general - he's in fantastic shape for his age. Wish I could look that good...

He talks about it in one of his videos. He works out in hotel gyms. When he
doesn't have access to a gym he'll run stairs at the hotel and do exercises
(pushups, situps) in his room.
More than likely. Petrucci is a tank, but Chris is amazingly fit as well. Not as muscular, but leaner by far. Now it all comes down to curling with one arm and tapping arpeggios with the other...
My name is Chris Broderick and I can dead lift Two Marshall Half Stacks.

A half stack is one 4x12 cab? So 50kg? A 100kg+ Bench is nothing special, I'm sure Chris can deadlift a lot more (if he even deadlifts. Chris, if you don't deadlift, you should start, DLs and squats are the most important exercises)
More than likely. Petrucci is a tank, but Chris is amazingly fit as well. Not as muscular, but leaner by far. Now it all comes down to curling with one arm and tapping arpeggios with the other...
Chris is fit, Petrucci is a bear
A few years ago I was at a clinic with John Petrucci when this exact question was asked. His response (in adam02 Psycho Exercises voice): "....Five-thousand pounds."

A few years ago I was at a clinic with John Petrucci when this exact question was asked. His response (in adam02 Psycho Exercises voice): "....Five-thousand pounds."


Pfft, Chris can bench Petrucci benching (does that even make sense? haha)