Chris Isaac - Forever Blue/Always Got Tonight


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Ok, ok, so it isn't metal, but :p to you if you don't like it...

Both are damn cool albums! The music is like a mixture between country and classic rock'n'roll with lotsa bluesey bits. He's the bloke responisble for "Wicked Game" (you know, on the jag advert??) and "Baby Did A Bad (bad) Thing". Forever Blue has all short songs (about 3 mins each) and displays his ammaaazzziingg vox throughout, he must have around a three/four octave range, lotsa falsetto, but shows relatively little of his really deep singing. Really depressing too, he can write some melancholy shit ;) "Always got tonight" his latest album is less depressing perhaps better written and the songs are longer. His vox are all mid range tho, which is really dissapointing when you've heard what he can do when he's really trying ;)

So, do yourself a favour, and at least go download "Wicked Game", "Forever Blue" or "Graduation Day" to see if you like it (*imagines people reaching down to the word country then stopping reading the review*) And admire his excellent voice :)

\M/ Oh, and he was in Silence Of The Lambs, and used to be a professional boxer \M/
