Chris Poland discography


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So what stuff of his is worth getting? I remember loving that Damn the Machine song they played on Headbanger's Ball way back when, but never picked that one up, and am not familiar with anything else outside of Megadeth. I'm looking to jimbob on this thread since he did a little write-up on Ohm...

It goes without saying Chris Poland rules. :kickass:
You know, I hunted high and low for Return to Metalopolis, finally managing to buy it on jewGay for a couple of bucks. Listened to it once, put it away. It shall come off the shelves tonight....
I don't care for Damn the Machine; it's too commercial sounding for my liking.
funny. Well to me it sounds as the total opposition to everything commercial sounding. The album is a prog masterpiece, it needs many many listening sessions to be fully understood. Amazing riff-ing and absolute "constipated" songs that demand time from the listener.
I did listen to Return to Metalopolis that day on post #2, and it has since returned to the archives. Nothing worth wetting your pants over.

Mustaine brings the best out of him.