CHRIST! the world is unfair. someone needs to get me a digital camera


Aug 2, 2002
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WESS the annoying intern got the WORST tattoo ever. EVER. it is supposed to be some sort of asian symbol of a tower and a rose, and it looks more like a wilted penis. I AM IN STITCHES.
the best part is, i told him not to go to that tattoo shop because i know a bunch of artists and they all said the place sucked, but he's a cheap bastard!

my old roommate used to work at a place where people would come in and CONSTANTLY bitch that the flash tattoo designs were too expensive (being that a chinese symbol was $50!) i mean, wtf? you want to pay less than that for something not only cliche, but PERMANENT? it blows my mind. anyway, he got what he deserves. i recommended 3 outstanding places and a private person even! but no! wess was too smart and he had to save his $$ for new badly made acrylic sweaters!
For real. i'm always surprised when people skimp on something that's SO permanent. Of course, I'm not into tattoos at all, but that's a different story.
i'm sort of 'whatever' about tattoo type stuff, but i mean, if you're going to get one.. at least think about it a little! i used to go to work with my old roommate sometimes and people would come in and just pick a picture and get it that day. SO MANY bad 9/11 tattoos were had last year.
tasmanian devil tattoo with a firefighter uniform with 9/11 on the hat with a tear coming out of his eye and a flag waving behind him.
can you believe that i literally saw 3 people get that tattoo in a week? there was also the calvin pissing on osama bin laden tattoo, and also, the eagle clenching the twin towers with a tear coming out of its eye tattoo, and the most loved: JESUS STANDING OVER THE TWIN TOWERS.
nothing like spur-of-the-moment tats to brighten ones spirits

as has been shown before, simply do a google image search for
and ta-da! instant hilarity!