Christmas Greeting!!!!


Sep 27, 2002
New Jersey
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I want to spread a lot of holiday cheer to everyone! I hope our Jewish brothers and sisters are enjoying Chanuka as well. I'm done with my Christmas shopping, which was tough this year since I'm nursing a broken knee and couldn't go out shopping. All on-line purchases and those lovely shipping fees! remember to spend as much time with family as possible and also think about the true meaning of the holiday. And eat up, Christmas is a great food holiday as well. Plus nothing brings family and friends together more easily than food! May the new year bring peace and prosperity to all, and may Enchant tour the East Coast!!! To the Enchant guys, thanks for another great album in 03, keep up the great work!
Well I don't celebrate christmas (I'm Jewish, but right now, we're in the Hannuka period) but I'm joining YYZMOOSE & Ich Bin Besser to wish all of you here a nice Christmas and an excellent year 2004 including the three "H"
Happy, Heavy, and most of all Healthy.

All the best for you and especially our enchant dudes !
Merry Xmas, and Happy Chanukah to everyone :) :) . I have never met an African American who celebrates Kwanzaa but if you're out there have a great holiday week too. And all have a Happy ENCHANTED New Year

:wave: :wave: :wave:

A heartfelt Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Anything-You-Celebrate to all of the Enchanted family -- BB'ers and band members alike! May everyone have a joyous holiday and - you're right, Jim! - an Enchanting New Year!

Take a minute to count your blessings at this special time of year! :spin:

Ed, Doug, Ted, Bill, and Sean -- rock on in '04 ! Stay cool!

Signing off now from rainy Baltimore....I'm dreaming of a wet Chrtistmas, maybe?

Take care, everyone!!! :)
Happy Holidays and all the best back to all of you incredible people who make Enchant possible!

You all rule!

We hope to see as many of you in 2004 as possible! that will make it an Enchanted New Year!


NP Christmas Time is Here " Steve Vai"
From the so-called old continent there are some Christmas wishes to be sent!!! Merry Christmas to you all, people, from my whereabouts in Spain I hope you're doing alright and enjoying of the happiness this time of the year is supposed to be plenty of.

@Ed, Doug, Ted, Bill, and Sean: I consider this "Tug Of War" album as the best present you can bring me for Christmas, guys, I'll keep relying on Enchant if this kind of music maintain lineality at this superb level!!!! Merry and enchanted Christmas to each and every member of the band. And thank you for the great feelings.

|ngenius (The Ghost of The European Christmas)
Happy holidays to everyone!!!

We are all enjoying the holidays with our friends and family and looking forward to getting Enchant back in motion again in the new year!

Thanks for all your support through 2003. It was a great year for us and it would not have happened without all of support. We appreciate everything.

Thanks again, and Happy Holidays!!!!

IL Beardfan said:
Hey Mare, you forgot Festivus :-)
LOL Joel - you're right, so noted...but....considering that the Ravens made it into the playoffs, we may be on our way to celebrating another Festivus Maximus here in Baltimore! :Spin: Doubtful, true, but you just never Chris Berman always says, "That's why they play the game!" That would be fun, of course, and another (well, the ONLY) excuse to dye my hair purple again!!!

While I'm at it, though, I will now throw in Happy New Year! And I do wish everyone here a very HAPPY New Year!!!!!! :wave: May 2004 be a banner year for all my friends and family!
