Christmas loot

Apr 10, 2006
Pawtucket, RI
What'd ya get?

Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus
Children of Bodom - Something Wild
Edguy - Mandrake
Elvenking - The Scythe
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi/Hordanes Land 2-pack
Opeth - Still Life

Kamelot - One Cold Winter's Night
Nightwish - End of an Era
Rob Zombie's Halloween unrated Director's Cut
Sentenced - Buried Alive
ProgPower USA VII/VIII DVDs ordered as well.

Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet? (Not the album t-shirt I would have picked, but I didn't buy it...)
Iced Earth - Gettysburg long-sleeve

Guitar Hero III (Wii)
It was a light Christmas for me this year- got mostly gift certificates (which I honestly HATE! I shop for work, then stress myself out shopping for my son, and I hate shopping, so they kind of really piss me off...) But for CD's I got:

FinnTroll- NattFodd
Volbeat- Rock the Rebel/Metal The Devil
Gojira- To Mars from Sirus

Some cash
Hair Dye (red, purple and blue)
A DVD and book on how to play guitar
Nip/Tuck Season 4
Candles and holders
Chain Maille necklace

And that's about it.

Steve Vai DVD - Visual Sound Theories Live
Apostrophe/Overnight Sensation VH1 Classic Album DVD
Volbeat - Both Rock the Rebel/Metal The Devil & The Strength, The Sound, The Songs cds

I ordered myself a Barking Pumpkin Torture Never Stops shirt, and the Zappa Plays Zappa DVD from Swill

Some cash
Got 'Visions From the Enchanted Lands', the Rhapsody DVD. Not having any of the albums, it's a fantastic teaser to make me go out and buy all their stuff - and it was neat-o to see Empress and SwordLord on the first DVD :D

I also got 900 bucks towards a new guitar amplifier. Time to upgrade that GFX-65 Crate I've had for way too long ... if only I knew what to get. Hmmmmmm..... suggestions, anyone?
Nothing metal related

  • Money from my mom for both birthday & Christmas along with candles and other random items
  • A candle and money from my aunt.
  • Way too much stuff from my fiance's family including sweaters, pajamas, Christmas ornaments, & giftcards to Borders, Dunkin Donuts & one general Visa card and also a combined gift for Hibachi (Japanese restaurant in Saratoga)
  • Spamlot tickets and an Invader Zim shirt fashioned to look like Space Invaders from my fiance
  • A fiance (asked on my birthday though his original intention was going to be to ask on Christmas)
Gojira- To Mars from Sirus

I love that album so very, very, very much. :worship:

I ended up with numerous DVDs (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia seasons one and two among them), Crimson by Edge of Sanity, S.U.S.A.R. by Indukti and Purgatory Afterglow and Crimson II by Edge of Sanity on their way along with V: Havitetty by Moonsorrow. :headbang:
Nothing metal related for me....

Here's what I got...

Heroes Volume 1 graphic novel
Rome season 1 dvd set
Hamilton Beach food mixer
a set of dishes
a set of glasses
an Oakland Raiders football shaped glass
a Raiders t-shirt
a leather Raiders jacket
a reversible Raiders jacket
a brown leather jacket
a bottle of vintage 1977 Napa Chenin Blanc
Nothing metal related

  • A fiance (asked on my birthday though his original intention was going to be to ask on Christmas)


We got: a hard time from United. Anyone seen our luggage?
lost package from Amazon. I quit!

But otherwise, I got a lot of really nice stuff and feel quite spoiled. We're at Jeremy's folks this year and they're really taking good care of us (especially as we arrived with only the clothes on our back).

I am, however, reconsidering traveling west for Christmas. As in, I may never do it again. This is the second trip we've had problems with.
My luggage was lost. For a few hours. Luckily I was close enough to the airport to get it back.

I asked for no metal, so got no metal. =p
Well to start with, I got the Love of my family and friends(you know who you are), and that was the best gift, also good news from the Doctor, woooohooooo, no surgery, All tests were negative, just a low level infection, that can be taken care of with a few antibiotics, don't worry all I am A-Okay.


VOLBEAT - The Strength, The Sound, The Songs

PAGAN'S MIND - God's Equation

URBAN TALES - The Diary of a No ( The biggest surprise of all)

ELVENKING - The Scythe

An autographed TOM GLAVINE, and JOHN SMOLTZ baseball

A Christmas card from One of my favorite all time bands.

A Christmas card from COLDIE and SCOTT

Phone calls and text messages from my ProgPower family that was really nice.
a small luggage/overnight bag set
a new blanket, that happens to match the one I bought as my present to myself.
2 Wal-Mart giftcards
a 2008 calendar
a rocking musical sled dog (it's pretty cute!)
a small lighted Christmas tree
an AMC Theaters gift card
a pair of silver earrings
a box of hot apple cider mix
a box of assorted Russel Stover chocolates


That's GREAT news John!! :headbang:
I got...

Voltron - Yellow Lion (Episodes 16-30)
Voltron T-Shirt
Stargate SG-1: Season 1
Star Trek IV: Save The Whales Bitches.
Bubba-Ho Tep
A 160gb usb powered external hard drive for school
Jelly Beans
Chocolate Bar
"Book of the Dead" - large book on zombie movies
"Ghost Hunting" by Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, and Michael Jan Friedman
"The Hammer Story" - nice retrospective of their films
"Vampire Hunter D" manga - not a big manga fan but I am a fan of VHD
"Weird England"
"Weird Virginia"

DVDs -
"Haunted History" - History Channel box set about weird stuff
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Ultimate Edition" - the one with Lon Chaney, Sr.
"The Monster Squad" - great politically incorrect kids' film from the '80's

And my mom got me a gargoyle and a bunch of "Miami Ink" t-shirts she thought I would like because they had skulls