Christmas Shopping! how is everyone doing....


:hotjump: I'm putting myself at about 95% done. I started in October, so I was on it, but still, it never ends. Yougnest nephew got a pinball machine and a bunch of toys. Teenage neices got ungodly amounts of clothes from Abercrombie and banana republic. Kids I teach got some cool toys and colognes/perfumes. High school helpers made out like fat rats. I think I wind up getting them more fun stuff than there parents :erk: , oh well, any high school kid that is willing to help out with a middle school special ed. teacher deserves it. At any rate, the joy is in the giving!!!! Peace out ya'll!
Gonna start and finish tomorrow. The wife takes care of most of it for me anyway but I still need to get a few things for my sons just from me and get her something but I know exactly what she wants so that's no problem.
In-laws suck. But we've had that conversation before.

I'm actually really close to being done, which is shocking because I'm usually just getting started around this time. I need to find one more thing for my dad, finish up my mom's quilt (hopefully on time), and find a couple more things for my daughter. I even bought for my sister this year after I had decided not to. Oh, and I have to get something for my nephews, but I'll be able to sneak that into some after-Christmas sales, because I won't be seeing them anytime soon, anyway.

It doesn't help that my daughter's birthday was the fourth and yesterday was my anniversary. December is really getting to be a pain in the ass.
My wifes shopped a bit and I haven't done jack yet(except handover my paycheck) :D I plan on getting something for the wife soon, Probably another ring, and then make sure she and I got whatever we had too for the holiday.
i've got to buy for my bro's family but i pretty much took care of all my friends gifts at check em out they have the best quality t-shirts i have ever gotten and they're like 16 bucks. buy 5 get one free. i reccomend them.

i won't be seeing my bro til after xmas so i've got plenty of time for that. other than that i'm done. I bought my fiance a very tiny but still 400$ emerald necklace at Ben Bridge. after getting her engagement ring this year my cred card is oretty much maxed now ;) thank god for tax returns right?
The last of my xmas cards will be mailed this afternoon. Everyone else is getting gift certificates or cash. Since I don't have to deal with a significant other this year "I'm not a player I just fuck alot"I plan to donate some time and money to the humane society. Check out the link if anyones got some spare change.
I got this from DamagePlan today if you want to donate to the affected families from last weeks tragedy.

Dimebag Darrell Foundations Announced

For those people wishing to make a donation in Dimebag's name, two special memorial funds have been established. The Dimebag Darrell Memorial Fund has been set up to cover bereavement and medical expenses for John 'Kat' Brooks, Chris Paluska, and Jeffrey 'Mayhem' Thompson. Please make checks payable to 'The Dimebag Darrell Memorial Fund.' Donations can be sent to the mail-only address:

Dimebag Darrell Memorial Fund
110 SW Thomas
Burleson, TX 76028

A special fund has also been set up through VH1's Save The Music Foundation. Save The Music purchases new musical instruments to restore music education programs that have been cut due to budget reductions in the past or to save programs at risk of elimination due to lack of instruments. The Foundation also conducts awareness campaigns, musical instrument drives and fundraising events. Checks can be mailed to:

VH1 Save The Music Foundation
1515 Broadway, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10036

Or you can use your credit card and call 1-888-841-4687
mine is pretty simple,premium carton of beer for dad,probably a cd for mum and my brother,port for my best mate and some sort of spirit for his wife,i wont speak for all aussies butwe dont get into xmas as much as u yankees.

i am also lucky because we dont do the relo bashing thing,all we do is have a family bbq and drink heaps,its good not having to go anywhere on xmas day.