Christmas wish list


Nov 3, 2004
Hey all you elves out there....if you had 5 wishes for Christmas, what would they be? Mine in no particular order are:

1. A million dollars (hehehe)
2. For Triumph to get back together
3. For Urban Breed to get back with Tad Morose
4.For Symphony X, Kansas, and Rush to play together!! (what a line up!!)
5. A million dollars (hehehehe)

Maybe you guys have more realistic expectations ;) What say you all?
If you wished for $2 million dollars, that would free up another wish for something you REALLY want!!!:Spin:

Though... if someone gave me $2 million, I would just BUY everything else I ever wished for! :tickled:
I can totally see your point, but I have this feeling that 2million wouldn't buy Rush, Sym X and Kansas, and I don't think all the money in the world would get Rik Emmit back with Triumph LOL, now Urban.....that may be another story ;) Anyway, happy holidays to ya :)