Christopher Hitchens has Cancer

That's such a retarded argument, like 8/10 people get some form of cancer and one of them just happened to be an atheist and they are all like "HAHAH OWND BY JESHUS"

But then again, retarded arguments is pretty much the basis for all belief so I'm not really suprised.
He will be dam lucky to live through this. Looks bad. Esophageal cancer has a 5 year survival rate of less than 5%. Some sources say 4%.
My grandad had esophageal cancer and it progressed rapidly from them thinking he had a fighting chance to survive in october 08 to him behind dead in late january 09.
Not a pretty way to go at all.
Ouch...not a fun thing to go through at all. I'm personally not familiar with this kind of cancer but it does sound extremely harsh. :(

Hitchens has done a lot of work exposing the dogmas and abuse of the Church to public light, I hate seeing such a stupid responses from both Protestants and Catholics.
i guess it's god getting them whenever one of their number is diagnosed with it too then, right? like... maybe they didn't pray right or somehing, yeah?

christians give me the fucking creeps.

if i were to suddenly have it proven to me beyond all doubt that god was real, my first prayer would be, "Lord, save us from your followers".

yes... it's a documentary title... one i recommend watching... because it's done by an active evangelical christian who makes some great points... it's on Netflix, instant streaming
Fucking sad.. REALLY, really sad.

Guy has his own beliefs, what do they do? Humiliate the living fuck out of the guy, and poke fun of his cancer.. To me, it seems like there's two different types of Christians.. The ones that don't shut the fuck up, jam their beliefs down your throat, act like retarded little cry-baby bitch trolls, and pull crap like this. Then there's the quiet, passive, kind-hearted Christians that would NEVER go about making fun of something so grave about someone, and go about daily life living THEIR OWN LIFE in accordance to their god's will. Emphasis on THEIR OWN LIFE, as opposed to trying to force someone else to live theirs a certain way.

Reading this literally makes me sick, and let it be publicly known that I am in fact, Christian. The type that doesn't force my religion down your throat at every left turn.. They're simply beliefs, what I was raised on, and guidelines/rules/morals to live by for me. Chastise me if you want, I'm still looking upon 'followers' of my own religion with absolute unadulterated fucking disgust. This is NOT what the religion is about.

Seriously though, imagine how that guy feels.. He's going through almost terminal cancer, and he's reading/seeing all of these fucking assholes criticizing him for it? Get fucking real..
I agree 100% with Shreddy. I'm raised Macedonian Orthodox, and no one in my circles would ever be so heartless towards a person suffering from such a horrible disease! I don't generally sit there and pray etc, but my thoughts are definitely with the guy, no one should go through that sadly, and I imagine god WOULD want him to get better if he's there doing his thing :P I mean.. So what if he believes what he believes, he could be right and many obviously fel the same, and he believes that, and same goes for any one with any belief including me. But, to be in fair terms, if there IS a god, then I imagine a productive thought inspiring person such as Chris would be spared to continue promoting free thought and questioning everything around you. To be honest... there's WAY more socially retarding christians that could go before this poor dude, I quite enjoy his talks and views. Just my opinion of course.
That's really sad. Cancer is fucked - we really need to get a move on with curing that shit. Shames me to think how many billions are wasted in frivolous daily pursuits and people are regularly dying of these horrid diseases.
If I can make a saf yet probably realistic point... Would oil companies be happy if alternative power sources were found?? Why would medicine be different! Imagine if cancer was cured... Imagine if diabetes was cured.. Do you have any idea how much insulin costs and the money made on it's sale? If my girlfriend didn't get some government help, shed be looking at $600+ a month for insulin and tester strips etc. It's insane! Now imagine we wiped the need out tomorrow? I think it's naive to believe that cures are in everyones best interests.
No, only for those suffering! Welcome to the third world featuring your host, capitalism! *goes and listens to The Final Product*