Chrome Division - Doomsday Rock n' Roll

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Chrome Division - Doomsday Rock n' Roll
Nuclear Blast Records - 2006
By Adam McAuley


Right from the onset one can detect a distinct a raunchy rock and roll vibe present on this album. This is sort of unusual considering the band consists of a member from black metal band Dimmu Borgir. The album is a reasonable take on the style, however, coming across as very similar to Motorhead for some reason. The vocals are also of the very dirty style complimenting the ragged passages fairly well. This gets a recommendation to people who like rock n' roll style metal, but the likes of Motorhead are of course far more fulfilling in their old school flavor. A more stripped down approach may have benefitted the band slightly.

As it stands, the band sounds slightly generic and uninspired and this is certainly the type of album that doesn't warrant a fevered following. Songs tend to drap along rather tepidly with little grabbing your attention, though there is a good deal of melody found within. Performances are moderately well done for this type of music, but it's simply the kind of album that drifts by without completely catching your attention and hence leaves you in a somewhat dull mood and expecting a really great Motorhead album. It just sort of drifts along without rocking you out or really giving you a worthwhile experience overall. And they don't have the signature vibe that makes the likes of Motorhead so strong, but rather boggles them down into a very unnappealing region that isn't worth considering.

Overall, there really just anything sticking out for the particular style to make me recommend these guys as they come across more than somewhat shallow. However, the shades of melody and rock n' roll vibe that somewhat permeate the album make it a decent enough listen.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Chrome Division Website
Official Nuclear Blast Website