Chroming Rose


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Mar 29, 2003
Anyone else dig this great band? I don't believe they are together anymore but "New World", "Insight", And "Louis XIV" are great discs!!!!!!!

Jeff & Steve @ Impulse killed this band for me. I think I heard them every visit to their store for like a year and a half... I blame Jeff more than Steve!
Love the band. "Pressure" is an awesome cd as is "Garden of Eden". Have to say, though, The last 2 cds with the different singer were my favorite. "Love" and "Groove Me" from each of those are simply killer for me!
This coming from someone who likes the new Def Leppard......


Hey Leppard will always be my fave band! Its that one band that you just love and makes you look like a goon to most music fans. But hey I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll never care what people think that way. Even if mean old J-Dubya says what he says. At least I don't live in Wisconsin!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: