Cigarette Labels

How bout putting pictures on liquor bottles, in front of fast food restaurants, and anything with high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient?

Maybe we can require manufacturers to put pictures of horrible car wrecks on vehicles, plane crashes on airline tickets etc etc etc as well.
How bout putting pictures on liquor bottles, in front of fast food restaurants, and anything with high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient?

Maybe we can require manufacturers to put pictures of horrible car wrecks on vehicles, plane crashes on airline tickets etc etc etc as well.

A smoke will affect the smoker, and everyone around him. As a non-smoker (and asthmatic) I can only applaud anti-smoking legislation.

I don't care if people eat fast food, or high fructose corn syrup or whatever. It won't affect me if they get fat and die.

I think alcohol is good where it is, with warnings and restrictions on purchase. Alcohol does not directly cause illness for the person and his surroundings as in smoking. Alcohol only becomes problematic with abuse.


I was in peru for a month and they love this one

Day 8 without cigarettes. Though I had to learn drinking beer without smoking a´s difficult, but possible. The reason I wanna stop smoking, is it makes me feel totally sick, which started some time ago. I smoked passionate over 10 years..suddenly my body didn´t accept it anymore ¯\(°_o)/¯
Nice move, a cigar pack that looks like a lame death metal cover will surely put me off smoking.

Also, how does smoking cause direct harm? It's not like your lungs fall apart after one puff. It takes years and years of hardcore toking up to ruin yourself. I'm fed up with this modern-day paranoya on smoking that's being pushed by the health departments and the media. Everything out there is bad for you. The water is shit, the air is full of fumes, the food is blasted with chemicals, why not slap dead body stickers on potatoes, you douchebags? So how much more harm can the occasional cigarette do to you? Definetely not any significant amount, unless you smoke like a chimney, which is just lack of self-control and completely unreasonable. In regards to smoking, drinking, and boosting low mids, moderation is the key.
The city I live in doesn't allow smoking in public places like restaurants etc. I am all for it, smoking inside a business is just obnoxious and rude to the none smokers. I have no problem with people smoking as long as it is not in my face.

I don't smoke because my father had throat cancer twice. Now he has a hole in his throat to breath through. About 10 years before he got cancer a doctor told him he would have throat cancer if he didn't stop. My father endlessly preached that there was no link between smoking and cancer, it was all made up by doctors that don't know shit blah blah blah. The government is taking away peoples liberty blah blah blah.

Then he got cancer. It was a great anti-smoking campaign for me.

Thing is he still smokes and I can't say I blame him now. He is so damn old what difference does it make? I'll do whatever the hell I want when I am in my 70's too.
Hah. This has been in effect in Canada for at least 10 years.

Yeah this has been in effect in canada for a long time, to the point of where I'm totally desensitized to it.

+1. I wish we had the same restrictions on cigarettes as we do on alcohol in regards to where you're allowed to use the substance. Smoking is banned in public places where I live and I absolutely love it.

In canada (maybe just bc) cigarette stores can't actually display cigarettes anymore. They have these covers over the shelfs, so essentially you have to go into the store knowing what you want, cause they can't open it till you make a decision. I guess the mindset is that you get less people impulse buying. In canada cigarettes are anywhere from 9.50-14.00 a pack because of all the added tax too.

While I'm pretty pro most anti smoking bans (I do smoke on occasion when I'm loaded), I feel that it is a little ridiculous to just do this with tabacco. In vancouver now you have to be at least 5 meters from the entrance to any building. Because of this law, some bars and clubs don't even let you go outside for a smoke at all because they face a fine. It's seriously hurt the business of a lot of bars.
In the US, the whole point is individual liberty and property rights. You have the right to make decisions concerning your body and face the consequences, whether they are good or bad or popular or unpopular with with the current trends in society.

It is absolutely insane that government can tell a private property owner (a business) whether or not people can smoke on the premises. It is up to that business owner whether or not they want to do so and their employees can quit and go work some where else if they don't like it. Health warnings are one thing, but to require companies to change the packaging of their products is ridiculous as well. Maybe fast food companies have better lobbyists, since we don't have pictures of some fat corpse on packages of french fries yet.

Lastly, many things are banned (DDT for instance) since they are deemed to be unsafe. If smoking is so incredibly bad, then lets just ban it and be over with it.
In the US, the whole point is individual liberty and property rights. You have the right to make decisions concerning your body and face the consequences, whether they are good or bad or popular or unpopular with with the current trends in society.

And individual liberties and property rights aren't being violated by other people smoking around you when you want to be breathing clean air?
I see nothing wrong with telling people they need to go smoke their shit outside. If you want cancer that's fine, please keep it to yourself.

I think the whole 25 feet away from the building is a bit silly though (although normal with hospitals other places without any good cause have this policy)
And individual liberties and property rights aren't being violated by other people smoking around you when you want to be breathing clean air?

I totally agree. What if I had a habit of carrying around a tank of pesticide and spraying it in the air for my own enjoyment? Should there be pesticide and non-pesticide section to restaurants?
I totally agree. What if I had a habit of carrying around a tank of pesticide and spraying it in the air for my own enjoyment? Should there be pesticide and non-pesticide section to restaurants?

:lol: I now have this vision in my head of a tiny man with a donkey's head running around spraying Ortho Home Defense bug repellant all over a Cheesecake Factory.