
They are fine while I'm drunk, but I feel like shit the next day because of them and I spew. I've figured out that it's not the drink but the actual cigarettes that make me spew. So I just don't bother anymore.
I don't know... It's more like a simple pleasure for me. I could stop it if there was a reason but I like smoking and I don't want to quit
For me its definitely more of a mind thing.. just sitting down and having a cig when youre super stressed seems to help calm me down. I think its just more the action of smoking rather than wanting the nicotine. Habit.
I don't smoke, but did try them when younger. I remember when around 13,14 everyone was trying cigs for the first time so it was unavoidable, that's unless you wanted to look like the weird outcast. When you are young hanging around with people the last thing you wanted to do was not particpate like everyone because you look weird or anti-social. that's commen adolescence.
i hate them but i like them... kind of like watching a horrific accident happen: you hate to see but you can't turn away. started smoking them for the addition of the buzz on top of other terrible things.
settles ya down...but when you need a fix its the only thing you need to get settled...ohh addiction

Nekys said:
I don't know... It's more like a simple pleasure for me. I could stop it if there was a reason but I like smoking and I don't want to quit
Everyone always think they can stop but when you actually try it's a hell lot diffrent, I used to kid myself al the time by saying those things but I already tried quitting but I can't seem to do it