Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
CIRCLE II CIRCLE - Watching In Silence


1. Out Of Reach
2. Sea Of White
3. Into The Wind
4. Watching In Silence
5. Forgiven
6. Lies
7. Face To Face
8. Walls
9. The Circle
10. Fields Of Sorrow

Label: AFM Records
Release date: 2003
Artist site:


I must say that I am impressed. After seeing SAVATAGE last year with their new vocalist and being completely blown away, I thought maybe Zak Stevens had burnt out and it was time for him to leave the biz for good. I am happy to say that this was not the case and I am very pleased with the results of his latest project, CIRCLE II CIRCLE. Stylistically, they don't veer too far from latter day SAVATAGE, the main difference being that these were Stevens' songs and melodies. He does have some help in the songwriting department, however, from old friends Jon Oliva on 8 tracks and Chris Caffery on a three tracks. Aside from a guitarist that tried out for 'TAGE during the Dead Winter Dead years, a keyboardist who toured with them on Streets and CRIMSON GLORY for Transcendence and Oliva's guest vocals on a track or two, the music is all performed by a new cast of characters. Produced by Stevens, Oliva and Jim Morris, this self titled debut kicks mucho ass-o!

"Out Of Reach" sounds off and immediately the SAVATAGE comparisons are inevitable. Killer chorus (which are aplenty on this release) and awesome riffs make this one instantly memorable. "Sea Of White" is ok, but doesn't stand out enough to me to warrant its second song placement. Slowing things down, "Into The Wind" is ballad-like, but with a rockin' chorus and some damn near Criss Oliva styled riffing from guitarist Matt Laporte during the song's midsection. Beginning with piano and Stevens' vocals, the title track is one of my favorite cuts on the album and has Oliva's stamp all over it. "Forgiven" features Oliva trading vocals with Stevens and continues the upward stride which leads to the trademark counterpoint melodies we've come to know and love from the family of 'TAGE. "Lies" is one of the heavier songs to be found here, great riffs, vocals and arrangements. "Face To Face" at times is too similar to the third song, so they lose marks there. But again, the song is somewhat saved by a cool chorus. Hard one to call.

That's not the case with "Walls," which sounds again like vintage SAVATAGE, with the elements of QUEEN, YES and the pure Oliva essence shining through. "How long" the song keeps asking, and I say hopefully, forever. This is truly a beautiful song. "The Circle" is another heavier number, some moments which I like a lot and others that I can do without. To be more specific, I like the verses but I find the chorus to be rather weak. "Fields Of Sorrow" is the perfect closer, epic in its approach and a strong performance from Stevens wrapping everything up and leaving such an impression that you want to listen to your favorite songs again.

Overall, an engaging debut and shows that there is definitely more to be heard from Mr. Zak Stevens. Now, when do I get to see them live?