clandestine recommendation: QUICKSAND DREAM - aelin: a story about destiny


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008

a swedish, very obscure band with roots in the similarly obscure EPIC IRAE which released three demo tapes of (very good and inventive) epic/progressive heavy/thrash/doom metal in the early to mid nineties.

in 1997 two of the remaining guys from EPIC IRAE changed their name to QUICKSAND DREAM and made this huge concept album in their little bedroom studio with no budget at all, then they released 30 copies of it on self-made CD-R in the year 2000, then it was promptly forgotten by everyone.

...until ten years later when it was dug up and properly re-released on both CD and LP by PLANET METAL and HIGH ROLLER RECORDS, respectively. good thing, too.

this is music that is far from perfectly recorded and so forth but it was obviously written for the sheer pleasure of writing, with no thought given to what was trendy or any rules or regulations. it has got a lot of HEART and PERSONALITY, much like BATHORY had. recommended for fans of BATHORY, CANDLEMASS, MANILLA ROAD, SOLITUDE AETURNUS, the good MANOWAR albums, etc, etc. basically it is very epic heavy metal with a bit of a doom metal flavour.

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I was going to recommend this album for whenever my week is. The vocals annoy me a bit but I thought others would like this more than I do. Three of my potential recs have already been covered by other members Charon and Aosoth were the other two.
Anyone listened to this extensively? I bought this album maybe a year ago and it's like a euro power metal release to me now..can't really get into it anymore but I was hooked for the initial few weeks I got it
I bought this album as a random blind buy last year.. either from NWN or SKR. Great stuff...
Well, shit. This album doesn't seem to be the uber-obscure release that it was proclaimed to be after all.

not anymore, i mean, relatively speaking it is now fairly well-known in a certain portion of the metal underground

but when it came out it was obscure as all shit, and it hasn't been discussed on RC ever