Clashing Of Civilizations


New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Gotham City

the woman here repeatedly claims to be "secular" but the whole speech she's giving here is a totally fanatical rant about how Christianity is so much superior to Islam
this woman apears to be psychotic
at least from the point of view that all religion is nothing more than a coping mechanism for dealing with the total fucking crapiness of the real word
wondering if anyone else agrees with my assesment that the speaker is psychotic
Looked at that first link LRD put up, and suspect that woman is really a Jewess (covertly). Also, to contradict what she said about Jews being the greatest inventors - that's not true. Non Jewish Europeans have been the vast majority of inventors of note. Especially the Scots, who have produced some of the most important inventions in history, including: the steam engine (James Watt), the telephone (Alexander Graham Bell), penecillin (Alexander Flemming), Fax transmission (Alexander Bain), Radar (Sir Robert Watson-Watt) and magnetic resonance imaging (John Mallard).

But she's right that the Muslims should not see their backward culture as being something superiour to the West in this regard.
Norsemaiden said:
Looked at that first link LRD put up, and suspect that woman is really a Jewess (covertly). Also, to contradict what she said about Jews being the greatest inventors - that's not true. Non Jewish Europeans have been the vast majority of inventors of note. Especially the Scots, who have produced some of the most important inventions in history, including: the steam engine (James Watt), the telephone (Alexander Graham Bell), penecillin (Alexander Flemming), Fax transmission (Alexander Bain), Radar (Sir Robert Watson-Watt) and magnetic resonance imaging (John Mallard).

But she's right that the Muslims should not see their backward culture as being something superiour to the West in this regard.
Thank you for actually responding to the link i posted instead of just being a smart-ass like that annonymousweirdo person
Thank you for actually responding to the link i posted instead of just being a smart-ass like that annonymousweirdo person

Look, a lot of people are still stuck with dial-up. Some people would be reading this in a place where they cannot watch or listen to (or whatever) video files.

You gave no information as to what that link was to or about. You did not state your own opinion on the matter. You did not ask a question.

Please, I am not intending to be annoying, I am trying to help you start a proper discussion.

EDIT: you spelled my name wrong. In at least two places. :p
She needs shooting. Sorry for that unintelligent sentemce but she looked ready to blow herself to get her point across. Anyway, where was the discussion in that? That was simply her one sided opinion, about how superior the western world is. What right does she have to say that? Whether she's a Jew or Satanist is irrelevent, at the end of the day she was spouting opinion as fact. Half of what she said of the middle east wasn't even true, and she forgot to mention that they also blow up religious buildings which belong to other strands of Islam. So I'm pretty sure that the majority of Muslim's know that they need to seek answers elsewhere.

Who was she anyway? And what was the 'discussion' supposed to prove?
anonymouswierdo said:
Look, a lot of people are still stuck with dial-up. Some people would be reading this in a place where they cannot watch or listen to (or whatever) video files. You gave no information as to what that link was to or about. You did not state your own opinion on the matter. You did not ask a question. Please, I am not intending to be annoying, I am trying to help you start a proper discussion. EDIT: you spelled my name wrong. In at least two places. :p
I assumed that everyone posting here would have the ability to see the video and based on that assumtion i thought that posting a link was sufficient for an initial discussion starter
the fact that i didn't realize some people would not be able to view the link was stupid of me
i didn't remember that the crappiness of dial-up and the restrictions of some public access places prevent you from seeing streaming vids and it was really stupid of me to forget that
also sorry for misspelling your name
could somebody type out the words from the vid???
or at least a reasonable facsimile???
I assumed that everyone posting here would have the ability to see the video and based on that assumtion i thought that posting a link was sufficient for an initial discussion starter

Have you even READ anything to do with Moderation here?
I assumed that everyone posting here would have the ability to see the video and based on that assumtion i thought that posting a link was sufficient for an initial discussion starter
based on how extremely frequently a link is the only thing in the initial post of so many threads in EVERY other forum on Ultimate Metal
Guys, relax. LRD did fine in posting that link, although a brief summary and comment would have been everyone does not have broadband.

the woman here repeatedly claims to be "secular" but the whole speech she's giving here is a totally fanatical rant about how Christianity is so much superior to Islam
this woman apears to be psychotic
at least from the point of view that all religion is nothing more than a coping mechanism for dealing with the total fucking crapiness of the real word
wondering if anyone else agrees with my assesment that the speaker is psychotic

Much better. :)
Yes she sounds psychotic. She probably has had a fatwa put on her for speaking out though so maybe she is really stressed about that too.
anonymouswierdo said:
To me, she does not (seem pychotic). She appears to be saying that the clash(es) between muslim cultures and other cultures is not religious, it is cultural. EDIT: I was paying more attention to the translation than how she was saying it.
she was being emphatic to the point that her words would have seemed more reasonable if she'd been calmer
she was being emphatic to the point that her words would have seemed more reasonable if she'd been calmer


That's probably due to (expected) hostility to her opinions. She was trying to get her point across before she got the sort of reaction she was getting towards the end (that stuff about her being a heretic and things, can't emember well enough).
anonymouswierdo said:

That's probably due to (expected) hostility to her opinions. She was trying to get her point across before she got the sort of reaction she was getting towards the end (that stuff about her being a heretic and things, can't emember well enough).
i was watching it without the sound
just visually she was way too animated to be able to expect non-blind people to take her words seriously
She seems to be supporting the idea that there is no clash of civilisations, and that folks must simply be more tolerant.

I'd agree with most of her assumptions about the Islamic world, to be honest. Although perhaps not so virulently.

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