classic 70s bands: Uriah Heep & Camel


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Hi all,

I know Opeth has stated being influenced by Camel; can you recommend a good starting point? I've heard some samples and really like the smooth sounds and awesome melodies.

Also, anyone into Uriah Heep? Another band who sound very interesting based on samples I've heard. Love the heavy organ sounds...
What's the best place to start?
camel - snow goose is my favorite. i'll rec. that one. la princesse perdue is one of my favorite songs of all time. #2 - mirage...a bit more rockin an song-oriented.

don't know much about uriah heep
uriah heep is pretty cool... sorta like a proto-epic-power-metal thing...
1st time i took lsd, i listened to magician's b-day (uh) and dark side of the moon (floyd) like 10 times each (they were on a cassette that i just let loop endlessly...) it was fun :-)
Opeth have always been influenced by camel.

Camels work is pretty good but there are a couple crappy realeses in the mid section. I like the earliest work and their latest. Habour of Tears is a pretty good more recent realese from them.
Check out "Look at Yourself" and "Salisbury" by the "Heep." Also, some more recent material is "High and Mighty." "Mirage, MoonMadness and Snowgoose" in that order. Camel IMO, are criminally underrated.