Classic FM live


Dec 30, 2004
I know classical music is rarely discussed on these boards, but I'm pretty sure most of you enjoy it and would have loved this concert. It was at the Royal Albert Hall last night, and consisted of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra alongside the Crouch End Chorus and soloists Nicola Benedetti and Alfie Boe. The first half had two Verdi pieces (The Anvil Chorus was marvellous), Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto and 2 pieces sung by tenor Alfie Boe, who came on and did Nessun Dorma for his encore.
After the interval it was all dedicated to movie pieces, and this was the main reason I went. These were - 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Magnificent Seven, Saving Private Ryan, 3 Harry Potter pieces, The Lord of the Rings (the highlight), The Mission, Star Wars Episode I and Raiders of the Lost Ark, followed by an encore of Superman. The music was amazing, as were the pyrotechnics, and it was generally a brilliant night for classical music.

So anyway, did anyone else go?