Classic Hard Rock with Ampsims & stuff... - possible?


Nov 23, 2007
Hi folks,

I was just listening to the Slash album and I've asked myself if it would be possible to recreate a warm, analog sounding Hard Rock bandsound with all the homerecording stuff I have.

Seriously, I wouldn't know where to start. I don't know any ampsim that can sound like a real Marshall, I have no drumsamples that sound natural AND fat and I wouldn't know how to mix the stuff right.

Btw.: I'm aware of the fact that the biggest issues are my playing skills. I'm not Mr. One-Take - I'm cutting my guitar tracks until they are some sort of Frankenstein shit. But I'm working on it ;)

Who of you guys are into Hard Rock and can tell me a bit about experiences with digital recording?

I heard a Podcast from Slash recently and he spoke a little bit about recording.

He still insists on mixing to 2" tape and all analogue gear. I fear that's the answer. Spend LOTS of money :(

I still use Amp-Sims and am always disappointed with the results when I compare them to tracks with real mic'ed up, cranked valve amps.

Sorry it's not the most helpful of answers, but as the saying goes "you get what you pay for" and it seems it definitely applies in this case.

A bit of trial and error and some basic knowledge on processing audio, EQ etc... can still deliver pretty good results though.
I'm sure it's possible, you'll just need the right sim and IRs.

Also, be prepared to spend many, many tedious hours of EQ knob turning.
Nope, I haven't heard an amp that can recreate a raw classic rock tone. That requires overdriven power tubes and dynamics, something which an amp sim cannot offer.
I know, ampsims can't deliver something like that 100% but I think you can get pretty good
classic hardrock sounds with Lepou's Hybrit ampsim and play around with different and not
only one impulse.
Tried it once with LeCab2, put a few different impulses in there (Recabinet Damien 2x12,
a Diezel impulse and some strange impulse, I don't know what it is) than I put ReaVerb in the
chain to get a little more "room" sound (Bricasti M7 impulse, I think Studio A) put Ferric TDS
on the chain and than some small EQ things, like High Pass and Low Pass, sounded pretty nice
to me.
Gonna try to record something with this chain when I've got some time.
I know you hear all this stuff about requireing the real kit.

Yes but... I would also say no.

If you know how to mix properly you could probably do a better job than someone with 10000000s of gold coins worth of kit.

I think thats the problem, can you mix it right?
not sure if this would count, but didn't Motley Crue do all guitars on that last album with the digidesign eleven?

here's another vote for Lepou's Hybrit, it's like my goto amp sim right now.

A lot of the older classic stuff has a bit more 'space' than what you would find in the metal realm, live bands playing in one studio with some bleed into mics away from the amp. you can add bleed into tracks via routing which is interesting or experiment with additonal mics in the room etc...
I know, ampsims can't deliver something like that 100% but I think you can get pretty good
classic hardrock sounds with Lepou's Hybrit ampsim and play around with different and not
only one impulse.
Tried it once with LeCab2, put a few different impulses in there (Recabinet Damien 2x12,
a Diezel impulse and some strange impulse, I don't know what it is) than I put ReaVerb in the
chain to get a little more "room" sound (Bricasti M7 impulse, I think Studio A) put Ferric TDS
on the chain and than some small EQ things, like High Pass and Low Pass, sounded pretty nice
to me.
Gonna try to record something with this chain when I've got some time.

what do you choose on Hybrit, plexi or JCM? thank you
depends from time to time, if it's real classic hard rock I choose the Plexi, if it's getting
a little bit heavier (not metal) I like to use the JCM, digging the Plexi with Single Coils
alot lately.