Classical Piece i wrote.

I liked it, but not being an expert on classical music, I can't really say anything in regards on how to improve it. I guess I thought the piano arpeggios in the later 2 minuteish area were a little cliche, but overall I really liked it. How does the title translate into english?
I just listened to your neurotic band too. I liked the song I listened to. What do you play? I've always wanted to be in a metal band, but I play sax, so I don't see that working any time soon, unless there are a lot of avant garde metal bands around Iowa. About your classical piece, doesn't the title seem a little pretentious? Thats the first thing I'd change.
TylerTheNuke said:
I just listened to your neurotic band too. I liked the song I listened to. What do you play? I've always wanted to be in a metal band, but I play sax, so I don't see that working any time soon, unless there are a lot of avant garde metal bands around Iowa. About your classical piece, doesn't the title seem a little pretentious? Thats the first thing I'd change.

i am the "singer" in neurotic. since i don't write any music in the band, just lyrics, i felt the need to write my own music, so i turned into classical eheh

about the title of the song, well it's classical, it's supposed to be pretentious lol joking.
serioulsy, i don't find it pretentious at all, it's just the feelings i wanted to express, doesn't have to be taken literally.
How about "an elegy for mankind" instead of "the elegy for mankind"? Do you play the instruments on your classical piece and layer them, or get your frieds to do it, or what? I wrote a sax duet once, but my partner was too inept to play it, so I just let it be and never have heard it yet.

Pretty decent vocals on neurotic. If I could growl, that would make my day. Every time I try, I sound decent but fry my vocal cords.
TylerTheNuke said:
How about "an elegy for mankind" instead of "the elegy for mankind"? Do you play the instruments on your classical piece and layer them, or get your frieds to do it, or what? I wrote a sax duet once, but my partner was too inept to play it, so I just let it be and never have heard it yet.

Pretty decent vocals on neurotic. If I could growl, that would make my day. Every time I try, I sound decent but fry my vocal cords.

no i don't play them, they are sample libraries(pretty big ones, lots of gbs) and i play them in my midi keyboard, i wish it was played live, thats for sure eheh.

about the title of the song, you're taking it too literally, i'm not refering to elegy as the music elegy, like this is the only music for mankind or something.
the idea is more the feelings connect to it.mourning, sadness, or even death. one of those adjectives instead of elegy and it wouldn't sound so pretentious , right? the mourning of mankind for instance....(or the cry of mankind like My dying bride did eheh)

but i'm thinking of doing a version ( a new piece connected to this one probably) with a soprano and maybe a choir, and i really didn't know what i was going to call it, and now you gave me the idea.

this version like you suggested will be called, an elegy for mankind, the soprano version will be the elegy of mankind, and the lyrics will explain it since an elegy normaly is a poem , really doomy stuff :heh:, think gorecki's 3rd symphony, portuguese version lol.
MetalNoob said:
Being an advid violin player, I think this is far from a classical piece, and it's quite generic, but yet it seems to fit your music well.
if you mean the classical period that i agree with you.
but there are lots of pieces in this vein in "classical" music.
barber's adagio, fauré's elegie, shostakovich later string quartets etc...not to mention minimalism
TylerTheNuke said:
FOr me, in classical music, generic doesn't mean bad at all. It's more about how well its done. There is a lot that goes into a good classical piece besides originality.
yeah and it's really hard to write a classical piece that is original since it has been done for a couple of centuries.