Clerks II comes highly recommended


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Frankly, Clerks II ought to be required viewing for all third graders. Its an instant classic of film, and I cannot understand why Rex Reed of the NY Times stormed out of his viewing session screaming something like, "I don't have to sit through this fuckin shit!"

Perhaps Kevin Smith cut out something that disturbed the veteran film critic, even though Smith crapped all over Reed's outrage, saying something like, "He can criticise all he wants, but he has to sit through the whole film before opening his fat mouth."

Anyway, its packed with tremendous wit and wisdom, much like any film featuring Jay and Silent Bob.

Btw, I noticed the dashing duo had King Diamond's "the room" as their theme music. Wonder why Smith used late 1980s thrash for guys trapped in the mid-1990s?

Hearing a broken beer bottle referred to as a "my pals knife" made me laugh. I rented the DVD and burned a copy, I liked it so much. Big props to Rosario Dawson for being down with the ass to mouth.
i thought i remembered something about that movie being on the shelf for awhile before it was finally released to theaters.

anybody know anything about this?
Didn't he do Chasing Amy too? That sucked donkey balls as well. Kevin Smith isn't really all that...way overrated.

Aye! Chasing Amy was definitely the least entertaining of the Kevin smith productions, and it starred "Its Good To Be Bennifer" Ben Affleck.

Too preachy on the virtues of lesbos fisting each other for my eclectic taste.

And Jay and Silent Bob had only a four minute scene, which gave the movie its retarded name.

On the other hand, "Mallrats" kicked hella ass!

Mallrats was indeed a gem. Since seeing that movie, I have unleashed the stinkpalm on those I cannot strike, for fear of legal action.
Hard for me to admit I made a mistake, since there's so much bolshevik scum floating about this forum, but it wasn't Rex Reed who dumped on Clerks II.

Rather, twas Joel Siegel, film critic for "Good Morning America", who walked out 40 minutes into a screening of the film.

In his own words: "First movie I've walked out of in 30 fucking years!".

Apparently, the straw that broke the nigga's back was the scene where two of the characters discuss hiring a woman to perform sex acts on a donkey.

Anyway, back to the best lines of Clerks II:

Randall: "I just made a Lord of the Rings fan throw up. So what's going on here?"
