Cleveland, Ohio Agora In Flames show


New Metal Member
Sep 25, 2002
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Hello everyone! My name is Lisa Rosner. I have never posted on here before, however my friend, who many of you may know as “Flashy Lights” posts here regularly.
I am posting in regards to the In Flames show, July 5th at the Agora Theatre in Cleveland, Ohio. Those who attended that show were probably just as shocked as I by the treatment we received from the Agora staff members.I don’t know about all of you, but I know that I have never been threatened to be arrested for hanging around after a show trying to meet a band before.
I have written a letter to the Agora’s owner and will print it here for all of you to read. I highly encourage all of you who were there to do the same. There is no justification for such rude behavior. It is a very unprofessional way to run a business, in my opinion.
As you will see, I have chosen to make my letter civil (at least this time,) however, if any of you choose otherwise, I could hardly fault you. I hope that you will all take a few minutes out of your day to e-mail this person and let your voices be heard. After all, we, the patrons are the ones who keep the venue thriving by attending these shows. We should not have to tolerate such treatment by the employees. The e-mail address is:
Thank you for reading this and thank you for your support!---Lisa

Dear Sir,
I am writing to you in regards to the In Flames show I attended at your Agora Theatre on July 5th. I have attended many shows at the Cleveland Agora and have found most of the experiences enjoyable. However, on July 5th, I, along with many others, was shocked by the treatment your staff issued upon us.
No sooner had the show ended and the lights came on, your employees began nastily shouting for everyone to leave, “EVERYBODY GET MOVING NOW!” was the most common one I heard being bellowed repeatedly.
I understand the desire to ‘close up shop’ and be able to go home after a long work day, but there was no need for your staff to act so hateful towards your patrons.
Outside, a few fans stood around the busses, hoping to get a chance to meet the members of their favorite band -- (nothing unusual about that.) There was no sort of riotous activity taking place whatsoever. Yet, a couple of your staff members yelled at everyone to vacate the premises immediately and even threatened to call the cops and “have everyone arrested.” In my opinion, they did nothing but make ridiculous spectacles out of themselves. One guy asked them what the problem was and a staff member replied with “The Agora owner told us to get everyone out of here as quick as possible and that’s what we’re doing!”
I would like to believe that, as an owner of a concert club, you would be able to relate to your patrons’ love for music and live entertainment. I know that if I were to open a concert club, it would be for the benefit of those who shared my appreciation for such. Not for the sole purpose of making money.
I find it unbelievable that you and your staff would treat your patrons with such hostility, especially considering that we are the ones who pay your salaries when we attend the events at your club.
I heard many people saying that they would not attend the Agora again after the verbal abuse your employees inflicted.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to respond to this after giving it your careful consideration. I am interested in hearing what you have to say on the matter.
Thank you very much…
Sincerely,Lisa Rosner
Ok, so I don't post here as much as I did on the "official" In Flames forum but I do recognize a few of you (Howdy Steve!). If this sorta shit can happen at the Cleveland Agora than it can happen anywhere. We don't have to take it lying down & I sure as hell will not! If I'm going to be arrested, it will be for assaulting the "so called" sawed off little pissant security guards. So, how is everybody? :p