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Originally posted by godisanathiest
And then? Is this a lady friend or urs dill? ;)

na, it's probably Dill in drag :p , but seriously did you hear that in america, the prisons are so oversrowded that a judge sentenced 2 people to walk around the city in drag instead of go in an overcrowded jail :lol:
D'oh! Damned login/logout bollocks!

Sorry, guys, only just found this post. Thing is, me, pceptimus and spacebunni occasionally all use the same computer to access these forums. Looks like pceptimus forgot to logout my account before he posted that one. That's his sister, and a friend of mine. I think she entered some modelling competition, and he was trying (in his somewhat ham-fisted way) to advertise it.

I'll shall severely chastise him for causing people to cast aspersions on my sartorial gender orientation...