Clip: Apogee AD16x vs Digidesign 192

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I've just recorded a little shootout between those two converters, here are the clips:

Apogee AD-16X

Digidesign 192 IO

both clips are 24/44.1k
Chain: PRS Custom24 with BKP Aftermath -> Mesa RevF Rectifier -> Bogner Ubercab (v30) -> single Royer R-121 -> BAE 1073 (300Ω) -> Patchbay Split -> Apogee/Digidesign

Quite a difference there IMO....I was too lazy to split it into my Digi96 and RME ADI8 as well, might do that another time, today it was only about those two high end ADs
digi192-clip is a bit louder?
the 192 sounds a little tighter in the low-end/low-mids to me... i like the 192 in this clip a little more, but its hard to choose, since it's gtr's only... wondering how a complete mix would sound, all tracks recorded with both converters ;)

cheers, and thanks for the comparison!
The 192 has a rise above 7k, the apogee has more around's a matching EQ screenshot:

Thanks for the clips Lasse! Can't listen right now anyway, but I'd be very interested in the RME vs Digi96 files (and of course the 192 and AD16X in comparison) when you have the time to compare them. :)
This confirm what I thinking about Apogee... Great converter but seen to hype everything you put through it.
192 aren't the best but I know how they sound like so that fine for me...