Clip of a song by my band Red Seas Fire (laid-back proggy guitar soloing content)


Apr 24, 2009
Bath, UK
Hi guys,

First post here!

My band Red Seas Fire have been putting the final touches on a handful of songs recently. This is a short snippet of a song called The Recovery, featuring some melodic lead work over a slightly progressive chord sequence.
You can hear the clip here: Recovery.mp3

All guitar parts were recorded with my Blackmachine B2, through a Fractal Audio Axe-FX Ultra.

If you like the music, our myspace is here: Keep checking back because we'll have new tracks up soon!


Listened to the myspace link, I like your music!

Dropbox link not working btw. There's "..." in the link.
I like it, the guitars a tincy bit too loud for me over the drums, i could be wrong though, i don't have fresh ears right now, or my tannoys.

Nice music for sure though! ;)
I like it, the guitars a tincy bit too loud for me over the drums, i could be wrong though, i don't have fresh ears right now, or my tannoys.

Nice music for sure though! ;)

Thanks so much for listening man, I'll take that on board, but I'd love to hear your opinion after a fresher listen on your tannoys :)
Thanks so much for listening man, I'll take that on board, but I'd love to hear your opinion after a fresher listen on your tannoys :)

heehee, no problem! the musics great, i enjoy listening to it! Defenetly will be keeping an eye on you guys!

I'm having another listen through my tannoys, and the guitars are a tad too loud, the kick just doesn't cut through alot. The guitars do sound great though, I love the axe fx!

The snare needs a little bit more cut through too. Maybe some gclip could help you there? :)
Awesome feedback, thanks guys!
Nebulous: Point taken! I guess it was just the solo that I was referring to as laid-back.
Sora: The kick drum seems to lose alot of cut when I apply compression at the output bus. Do you think I should adjust the compression settings, simply raise its level, or re-eq it (or all three)? Also, is G-Clip available as an AU? I use Logic you see.. :)
Hah, I've just realised that the link I posted was to the full song (which are only demo takes!), not just the guitar solo section as I had intended.. Oh well, that would explain Nebulous' comment then :)

As I said on, I love it! :)

Awesome, tongarr?

That was really cool, Nolly. Can't wait to hear more of your band's stuff. It was cool meeting you in St. Pete, by the way.

Awesome! Was great meeting you too man, hopefully won't be too long before we put some more new music up.

Nice guitar tone dude!

Tell us about the drums...Are Slate, Superior or that stuff?

Thanks man, the drums are Superior 2.0.
Awesome feedback, thanks guys!
Nebulous: Point taken! I guess it was just the solo that I was referring to as laid-back.
Sora: The kick drum seems to lose alot of cut when I apply compression at the output bus. Do you think I should adjust the compression settings, simply raise its level, or re-eq it (or all three)? Also, is G-Clip available as an AU? I use Logic you see.. :)

Try putting all the drum outputs into a seperate drum bus and then adding some compression to that. I usually find that helps bring out a bit more thump in the kick and more snap to the snare before the output compressor.

And i think it's only available as a vsti, I'm not 100% sure though.

And as for re-eqing and rasing the level, try messing around with the eq and levels when you have the drum bus comp in. This is pretty much what I always use for parrellel compression.

Ratio on the drum bus compressor for me is usually 4.0, attack at 1ms, release at 100ms low gain at 6db high at -6, and just mess with the threshold from there. :headbang:

Awesome, great to see familar "faces"!

Try putting all the drum outputs into a seperate drum bus and then adding some compression to that. I usually find that helps bring out a bit more thump in the kick and more snap to the snare before the output compressor.

And i think it's only available as a vsti, I'm not 100% sure though.

And as for re-eqing and rasing the level, try messing around with the eq and levels when you have the drum bus comp in. This is pretty much what I always use for parrellel compression.

Ratio on the drum bus compressor for me is usually 4.0, attack at 1ms, release at 100ms low gain at 6db high at -6, and just mess with the threshold from there. :headbang:

Sick, thanks so much for all that. I'll definitely try out your advice next time I get a chance. Thanks again dude, much appreciated.
Yeah, your kick is way too boomy/subby, so are the toms . I'd say replace the superior kick if possible, otherwise lower it and maybe compress it more individually so the master bus compressor won't affect the kick too much, your cymbals are pumping a bit now because of the excessive low end the master compressor have to deal with. Otherwise is sounds pretty good, love the clean part!