Same song I've been working on... All new tones :lol
First things first, right acoustic guitar is my Yamaha LS6 with Elixir 13-56 nanoweb phospor bronze strings, and miced with two SM81s in XY position. AMAZING TONE. I love the way this set up sounds. Will definitely be using it a LOT in the future. Left acoustic guitar is still a sim.
Drums are Superior 2.0 with Slate snare, toms, and kick blended in. I'm doing a LOT differently on the processing here.... Totally started from scratch.
Distorted guitars are all Edwards (ash body, maple neck thru, X2N), this time. Quad tracked as usual, this time I'm layering TSE X30 boosting LeXTAC and LeXTAC boosting TSE X30. The big open chords don't really show off the tone as much as I'd like to, I plan on recording more that you'll actually get to hear it better (chug, tremelo, etc.)
No bass
Left it at the practice space.
Mastering is Gclip + Blockfish compressor + Classic Master Limiter.
Let me know what you think!
First things first, right acoustic guitar is my Yamaha LS6 with Elixir 13-56 nanoweb phospor bronze strings, and miced with two SM81s in XY position. AMAZING TONE. I love the way this set up sounds. Will definitely be using it a LOT in the future. Left acoustic guitar is still a sim.
Drums are Superior 2.0 with Slate snare, toms, and kick blended in. I'm doing a LOT differently on the processing here.... Totally started from scratch.
Distorted guitars are all Edwards (ash body, maple neck thru, X2N), this time. Quad tracked as usual, this time I'm layering TSE X30 boosting LeXTAC and LeXTAC boosting TSE X30. The big open chords don't really show off the tone as much as I'd like to, I plan on recording more that you'll actually get to hear it better (chug, tremelo, etc.)
No bass

Mastering is Gclip + Blockfish compressor + Classic Master Limiter.
Let me know what you think!