Hey whats up fellas, CJ, Everybodys X..
Clipping works because it actually affects your balances very little, unlike Limiting which affects them a LOT. If you do it with a mix that has a good frequency balance (like make sure you don't have +8 at 60Hz!) you can push a mix pretty hard and get -9db RMS without many artifacts. If I had to do it the plugin way, I would:
Eq the mix with a nice eq, leveling the lows and midrange so they aren't overbearing, and maybe perk up the 1-2k area, and the ultra highs if the song needs more air. Keep in mind, your mix might not need ANY EQ.
Then you may want to level the dynamics with a plugin compressor. The idea is to use a compressor with as little sonic imprint as possible, if you want sonic imprint, do it with your mix compressor. As with eqing, the mix might already have enough compression, so use your ears.
Then, I would use TWO of the Gclips chained back to back, with the 2X oversampling ON, doing a few db with each. Finally, I'd use about 1db of Voxengo Elephant limiter on the "punchy" preset. If you have to use more then 1db, you're not using the clipper enough. This should make your masters -9db RMS on the loudest sections. If you dare go further then -9db RMS, its going to start sounding like ass. Most stuff today averages -9db.