clips: 5150 with "TS, MZ, No Boost, sm57,m201"

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
still searching for something different....
my 2nd guitarist doesn't like the tight sneapish tones, but prefers slightly flubby but thick sounding tones....also in Flames, Heaven Shall Burn etc....
so something really different.

I'm experimenting with different boosts and mics etc to see what direction he likes....

here are some clips:

5150 tones

I'm fully aware that you'll hate most of these and I admit that they're far from being perfect, I didn't tweak much on the amp settings etc...the whole shootout took like 20 mins in total, so no mic-positioning etc...these are just for the rough character.

bearing in mind that "tight sneapish" but "lush yet tight enough for palmmutes" what do you like best?
I think amps like 5150, rectifier, fireball..... have just ONE great sound.
Thats why I like the clips B and C most. They sound to me like they should.

Maybe your guitar bro should use your Marshall jcm 800 (KK)
to get a different tone..
I think amps like 5150, rectifier, fireball..... have just ONE great sound.
Thats why I like the clips B and C most. They sound to me like they should.

Maybe your guitar bro should use your Marshall jcm 800 (KK)
to get a different tone..

he used Marshalls for like 15 years and hates them, lol.
the difficulty is that I'll usually try to avoid what he's going for...I like it tight and with some bite, he wants it thick and just sounding lieka lush big wall.
then again we've got some fast thrashy palmmutes in our stuff that benefits from a tighter tone...he says "you don't have to hear every single hit...can't do that with HSB iconoclast (example) either"
he used Marshalls for like 15 years and hates them, lol.
the difficulty is that I'll usually try to avoid what he's going for...I like it tight and with some bite, he wants it thick and just sounding lieka lush big wall.
then again we've got some fast thrashy palmmutes in our stuff that benefits from a tighter tone...he says "you don't have to hear every single hit...can't do that with HSB iconoclast (example) either"

The SD-1 can produce some tight lows.
he used Marshalls for like 15 years and hates them, lol.
the difficulty is that I'll usually try to avoid what he's going for...I like it tight and with some bite, he wants it thick and just sounding lieka lush big wall.
then again we've got some fast thrashy palmmutes in our stuff that benefits from a tighter tone...he says "you don't have to hear every single hit...can't do that with HSB iconoclast (example) either"

If he's going by that thought, then just grab a kazoo and and a 57 and call it a day. Just have him hum into the kazoo, mix it WAY behind the drums, wash it all in a 1.5Khz spike on your master bus, limit to hell, and you're there!
In comparing A and B, B having the boost, I actually think A sounds tighter without the boost...It has more lows, not as smooth highs, but the attack is there, which provides a better transient to add tightness and definition. C sounds about like the no boost track, what's the difference in boost settings between B and C?

C is my favorite, followed closely by A.