I'm halfway through, this is awesome. Your vocals don't miss a beat... easily the best emulated clean Mikael vocal work I've heard so far. Really nice work emulating the production aswell... x100 more commendable since you're working from home I assume!
Ok guys, this is Shard's girlfriend yet again. Why can't you guys like my vocals? I sing in the motherfucking choir and all that shit! I know my vocals are little off key from time to time and I'm sorry about that. I get it...
Yep, seconded. The drums are a bit obstructive as they take away from the 'natural' feel of the song... but when you're dealing with a drum machine, u can hardly ask for more. And the song seems a tad bit slow. Maybe needs to be 5-10BPM faster.
Amazing, one of the best covers I have heard by far, and definitely THE best Opeth cover I have heard. Cheers to DIE, that shit was fucking awesome, Im saving it on my computer.