Cloudkicker "Beacons" download it now fo free!


Dec 25, 2009
Never heard of cloudkicker? Do yourself a favor and go download all his music for free on his bandcamp site. New cd just came out today

think instrumental meshuggah, math rock, shoegaze, chill awesomeness.

go to and click buy now under digital download. you can enter 0 in the price box if you do not want to pay anything, but i would suggest paying him. he makes all the music himself and releases it for free, deserves something for all the kickass music he makes
dude is a bit of a dick though.
Here's an email interview I recently did with him where he only replied sarcastically. I don't think I'll be promoting him on my site.
I did enjoy listening to his music.

When did you start the Cloudkicker project and where did the name come from?

I started writing music explicitly for the thing called "Cloudkicker" sometime in late 2006. The name comes from a character in the old cartoon "Tale Spin".

What is your musical background prior to Cloudkicker?

Enthusiast? I wasn't a roadie for Megadeath or anything if that's what you're asking.

You composed, performed and recorded everything on your albums, is this the way you prefer to work?


What is your songwriting process? Are your demos much different from the album version?

Hah. The demos ARE the songs on the album. I record as I write and then when I'm done I'm done.

What inspires you to make music?

Well I could talk about this for a while but the brief answer is that I'm inspired to write music the way others are inspired to have conversations or talk to a friend. To me it's just another form of communication, but it's one that I feel I'm actually able to express what I mean, much more so than if I were to try and use words.

What do you have for your home studio setup?

Some guitars, some pedals, a speaker or two. Oh and a computer.

Are there any studio items you can't live without?

Not really. I'm pretty sure I would still be alive if you took away a delay pedal or something. I just wouldn't have that delay pedal.

Any studio gear you're lusting for?

LIke, studio gear that makes me physically aroused? Not as such, no.

Do you plan to record real drums at some point?

I don't plan to. But maybe if I found a day worker at Home Depot that I could pay minimum wage to play drums it would be a little more financially viable than it is now.

Without a simplified worldwide distribution option like Bandcamp, would you still be doing this?

I'd totally be doing it. No one would be listening, but I'd be doing it.
haha, he is actually the opposite. It just seems like a lot of the questions you have asked, he has answered in the interviews he has done before. Go look them up. I asked him a bunch of questions about how he records, and he sent me a big email with tons of info.
haha, he is actually the opposite. It just seems like a lot of the questions you have asked, he has answered in the interviews he has done before. Go look them up. I asked him a bunch of questions about how he records, and he sent me a big email with tons of info.

you're saying I should take answers for my interviews from other sites?

I asked him simple questions, he chose not to reply with anything helpful. My site is about gear and recording techniques, he didn't share anything on those topics :confused:

you're saying I should take answers for my interviews from other sites?

I asked him simple questions, he chose not to reply with anything helpful. My site is about gear and recording techniques, he didn't share anything on those topics :confused:


Did you specify who you were and what you wanted? Thats the only thing I can come up with is a possible communication mixup...
you're saying I should take answers for my interviews from other sites?

I asked him simple questions, he chose not to reply with anything helpful. My site is about gear and recording techniques, he didn't share anything on those topics :confused:


I'm not saying that, just trying to give you a reason as to why the interview happened as it did...
I actually like him more for all of those answers. I think you're just taking it a little more seriously than him, He's in it for the music it seems.
I watched an interview with him yesterday and he seemed like a nice dude. A nerd really. Incredibly anti rock star, likes to work alone, cbf touring, views it as a hobby. I hope he gets a vocalist for a few songs for his next release.
you're saying I should take answers for my interviews from other sites?

I asked him simple questions, he chose not to reply with anything helpful. My site is about gear and recording techniques, he didn't share anything on those topics :confused:


well you asked him general questions, you know? like, the kind of questions someone who had never heard his music could ask. nobody likes getting asked those kinds of questions, so he's having fun where he can.