Clutch – Jam Room


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Clutch – Jam Room
Megaforce Records – 2005
By Russell Garwood


Clutch are back with Jam Room. Thanks to a re-issue from Megarforce records it is now possible to get your hands on a copy (the original release on the band’s own label sold out quickly) of this slab of good, old-fashioned rock. I say old fashioned, but this, while retro at times, is actually remarkably contemporary, and some country and blues leanings are apparent throughout. Imagine Led Zepplin but sludgier than an accident at a sewage factory, with lots of modern touches. Catchy, memorable riffs, and cool solos come from the guitar department, while the bass is strong and groove-laden. Coarse singing is entirely fitting, and the drums are excellent, with a varied performance, and lots of solo moments. Cool stuff. Occasional harmonica is also great.

The production here is of a high standard. With their fresh sound and well-written, memorable songs, Clutch prove to be an excellent listen. For fans of classic and modern rock, this is a must, as clutch really do take the sound up to date, and Jam Room is another great release.


Official Megaforce Records website