CM, "metal for life"


New Metal Member
Jan 23, 2009
Hey.. Im CM, Im a almost-average 16 year old highschool student..

i live in a neighborhood in eastcoast were everyone is obsessd mainstream crap, and hip-hop mtv crap...

I always litsen to classic rock since i can ever remember with mix of metal... also system, etc..

for last 2 years, i've dug into the world of metal by myself, learned about many bands and got more favorites.
Got myself a guitar and start practicing, 7 months so far with it..

I m a fan of thrash metal now.. metallica, slayer, and exodus rules my soul..
Also fan of past nightwish...

Since i have hardly ani ppl whos into metal, ive joined this place since there are ppl like me, expressing their metal head feelings..

hope to be a good part of community..

Other stuff im interested/addicted in, other than guitar, is cars, computers, games, anime and facebookkk