CMRPulse Radio


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
CMRPulse Radio

30a Platts Eyot, Lower Sunbury Road, Hampton, London, TW12 2ES
Tel: +44 (0) 208 941 4144 / 0845 193 2904 Mobile: 07956 888587

New Radio Station Takes to The Skies

CMRPulse is a new radio project mixing Country Music and Rock Programs in specific time slots each week broadcasting on Sky Channel 913, and in the near future via the Internet. For listeners in Europe we have the full frequency details available on our web site

Initially CMRPulse will be broadcasting 54 hours a week from their studios in London using the Apple FM channel 913 on Sky. The proposed launch date is May 24th at midday with Lee Williams and ‘The Country Lunch’. A full 24/7 service will come later in the year.

CMRPulse is the trading name of Pulse 202 Radio Ltd owned by the founder Paul Gibbs and Geoff Bowry. Lee Williams who ran Country Music Radio for a number of years on Satellite has been brought in to be program controller for the new station with Adam Lewis being the technical advisor. Both Lee and Adam will host shows on CMRPulse.

The broadcasting times are 12 – 6 pm weekdays and 12 noon – 12 midnight weekends. The weekdays will be all styles of Country Music with the weekends being all styles of rock except for Sundays 3 - 6 pm when Tim Rogers will broadcast his popular Classic Country Show that was recently dropped by Classic Gold.

Many of the presenters are in place and a suggested schedule is attached, although some of the slots have yet to be confirmed. Refer to our web site for updates

At the studio complex there is also a 48 channel recording studio (River Gibbs Studio) where acts of all styles of music can record. These studios will also be used for ‘Live’ sessions on the radio. A video company is also formed to film acts in the studios or on location. Details of the studios can be found at

Introductory rates for advertising/sponsorship/and the recording studio are available until 30 June 2004. Contact or tel 0845 193 2904.

Further details will be available in the next couple of days. Interviews or general information can be arranged by calling 0845 193 2904
CMRPulse Radio

30a Platts Eyot, Lower Sunbury Road, Hampton, London, TW12 2ES
Tel: +44 (0) 208 941 4144 / 0845 193 2904 Mobile: 07956 888587


Broadcasting on Sky channel 913

For non-sky and listeners outside of the UK - Tune into

Astra/Eurobird 1, 28.5 degrees East, Transponder D7S, frequency 11. 585 Ghz, Polarisation Horizontal, Symbol rate 27500, Forward error correction 2/3

For DVB Boxes NID 50654 TID 2330E

Monday - Friday 12.00 noon - 18.00 hrs
Saturday - Sunday 12.00 noon - 24.00 hrs

Monday 12.00 -14.00 Country Lunch Lee Williams

14.00 -16.00 Mid Afternoon Country Adam Lewis

16.00 -17.00 Colin’s Cool Country Colin Roke

17.00 -18.00 Country Rock Jukebox TBA

Tuesday As Monday

Wednesday 12.00 -14.00 Country Lunch Lee Williams

14.00 -17.00 Classic Country Tim Rogers

17.00 -18.00 Country Rock Jukebox TBA

Thursday As Monday

Friday 12.00 -14.00 Country Lunch Lee Williams

14.00 -16.00 Mid Afternoon Country Adam Lewis

16.00 -18.00 CMRPulse Country Charts Stuart Cameron

Saturday 12.00 -15.00 Lunchtime Rock inc Indie TBA

15.00 -18.00 Classic Rock and Sport Colin Roke

18.00 -21.00 Rock from New & Old Steve Price

21.00 -24.00 Classic Rock & More Skull

Sunday 12.00 -15.00 Eclectic Rock Mix TBA

15.00 -18.00 Classic Country Tim Rogers

18.00 -21.00 Rock from New & Old Steve Price

21.00 -24.00 Classic Rock & More Skull

Rock show presented by Steve Price of Alices Records!