COB canceling Wacken'06 appearance???

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I've now read the "COB at Ozzfest blah blah.." thread and could'nt find a date for when Ozzfest is. You know?

Because it seems kinda unnecessary to even worry if we don't even know when it takes place. ;)

But no, I don't think they would cancel WOA. For what I know they're very fond of that festival and they're probably looking forward very much to play it. After the gig in '04, who wouldn't? Fucking kickass.
Nope, I don't know when Ozzfest is....but still.

Anyway I think they'd lose lots of European fans would they cancel the Wacken gig -so it wouldn't be a very wise decision.
If they do that they will be a dead band in europe. Honestly I coudn't care less.
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