COB Music Video Ideas


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
I've been having this cool idea about an Angels Don't Kill video: someone sinking in an ocean. You know like parts of the video showing the band play, parts of a guy fighting against drowning.. I got the idea from Alexi's lyrics that sounded like "shark fins impailing through my heart".. This idea fits the lyrics and atmosphere superbly! ..honestly I think this is just about the coolest idea ever, just imagine it.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
I got the idea from Alexi's lyrics that sounded like "shark fins impailing through my heart".. ..honestly I think this is just about the coolest idea ever, just imagine it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
How about this. Alexi wakes up in a hotel room drinks some beer then Janne walks in with a keytar they jam out some scales for a bit. Then out of nowhere a S.W.A.T team burst through the window shoot Janne , Alexi starts crying then some groupies come and everything is ok but the S.W.A.T shoot the groupies and then Alexi get's pissed and smashes one of the SWAT team with a bottle then he dies .... or something...
Reminds me of Nightwish's 'Nemo' Video...:D

Seriously, they should do a Lake Bodom Video, the Band plays in a dark and forsaken transylvanian Castle, and lightning strucks everywhere...that'd be grim!
Joonas Lehtonen said:
Right.. just what I expected from you

You remember me?

Well, I love Lake Bodom...thats it...all the harpsy keyboard sound reminds me of a castle...
You can also add some demons that get raped by Janne while he plays his solo at 03:01 :lol:

They should also do a Something Wild rerecording, with an orchestra and a russian choir....
You fucking with me? I just said that drowning alone in a fucking freezing nightly storming ocean would not be very fun and it would be a great idea for an Angels Don't Kill music video, if you've got a better idea or think this one is shit then please let me know.
BloodyScalpel said:
They shouldn't fucking touch something wild.

Bodom doesn't even have the right to play the songs of it on gigs anymore.
Yeah, after watching the Are You Dead Yet? video, I have lost the little respect I have had for them since AYDY.
Alexi's lyrics are questionable at best but I guarentee you that does not say "shark fins impaling through my heart." Even he's not That dumb. Even though there are some published lyrics that are nearly that stupid.
^ Yea I know, it just sounds like he says that on the All Night Long video, but I know those are not the lyrics..
Parn666 said:
Reminds me of Nightwish's 'Nemo' Video...:D

Seriously, they should do a Lake Bodom Video, the Band plays in a dark and forsaken transylvanian Castle, and lightning strucks everywhere...that'd be grim!
