Coelanth_M (sp) Ethnic Disavowal of Responsibility Thread

hello M
good news, your personal responsibility of your japanesiosity as excuse for stumbling/sentence structure/porn collection is a minor sensation.

you see, I was talking to our web guy and he is a martial arts/extreme fighting guy (seriously, several black belts in various disciplines). Although focused primarily on the korean art of tae kwon do, he is also an afficionado of kendo and all asian fighting techniques. He has always told me that the insular, highly regimented society of Japan has resulted in the burgeoning strangeness of japanese porn, so I shared with him your secret of using "hey, I'm japanese!" as a blanket of invincibility. He loved it!

then, he shared it with the database guy. so I've got a 250 lb musclebound thug with a shaved head and a scrawny blonde anal retentive freak walking around muttering, "sorry, but I'm Japanese!"

so - later in the day I'm in the cube next to theirs and a personnelist walks in.

Personnelist: "Gary, you didn't fix that code in the staffing program like you said you would."

Gary/the database guy: "hey, what do you want from me? I'm japanese!"

Personnelist: "excuse me?"

I think we can avoid charges of rascism because the only asian people here are Suelin the Korean and Phetsamone the Cambodian (I think)