Coheed and Cambria

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK
After years of putting it off/being nagged by one of my friends who's a die hard fan, I finally gave these guys a proper listen....

And holy shitballs. They're absolutely incredible. I've been spinning No world for tomorrow almost constantly, does anybody have any other recommendations on their stuff for me?

Also, does anyone know of where I can grab the comic books cheap in the uk?
Yeah I fucking love them, used to listen to them a shit-ton when I was like 12, only just got back into them recently. In fact I think they were the first non-ridiculously mainstream band I ever heard, so I guess I have them to thank for shaping my tastes a little :lol:
Great tune from Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV

Or this from In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth

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Yeah, for me, it doesn't get any better than In Keeping Secrets. I fell in love with that album after hearing maybe the first 5 minutes of it. "The Light and the Glass" is such an amazing song.
Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth was a phenomenal record. All of their stuff is great, TBH. I could listen to Coheed all day long and then listen to it again the next day, and the day after that :p

I think most people are just turned off by his voice, which is a shame, cause once you develop an appreciation for it and how unique Claudio sounds, you can't stop listening. Saw them a few years back when I was just getting into metal and went to see Avenged Sevenfold (I know... I know...), I hadn't really heard much of Coheed's songs, aside from Welcome Home on Guitar Hero, so I wasn't super excited to see them. They were BY FAR the best band that played that night, and one of the best bands I've seen live, period. Totally killed it. I've been a die-hard fan ever since, can't say the same for A7X! haha
I'm also in the camp that C&C get a bad rep from many, partially because of Claudio's vocals, mostly those from the early records as his voice has certainly become more nuanced and deeper over the years, and mostly because of the early emo tag they were given and the negative connotations that it instills instantly in many - myself included.

Personally they have released some of my favorite modern rock records - just the right amount of rock, alternative, and progressive tendencies to please my eclectic loving ears. Like many, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 was my first experience with C&C and is still my favorite disc of theirs followed extremely closely by Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV...Vol I (one of my favorite production jobs for an album). It's taken years, but even Year of the Black Rainbow, my least favorite album from them, has grown on me.

I've seen them twice, both times were great shows.

Glad to see some appreciation for them - they deserve a deeper listening instead of quick judgments based upon hearing them a few times or going by what others have labeled them as.
After years of putting it off/being nagged by one of my friends who's a die hard fan, I finally gave these guys a proper listen....

And holy shitballs. They're absolutely incredible. I've been spinning No world for tomorrow almost constantly, does anybody have any other recommendations on their stuff for me?

Also, does anyone know of where I can grab the comic books cheap in the uk?

In preferential order (at least for me):

In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3
Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV... Vol I
Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV... Vol II (No world for Tomorrow)
The Afterman (Ascension and Descension together as I look at them as a double album)
The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Year of the Black Rainbow (basically now tied with Second Stage now that it's grown on me)

If you want to get a good feel for them live it's also worth picking up the Neverender: Children of the Fence DVD set - you get the first four albums performed live in order. It was recorded when they had Chris Pennie from The Dillinger Escape Plan on drums.
just got done listening to their entire back catalogue....

A few thoughts, NWFT is still my favourite by far
Year of the black rainbow gets seriously boring seriously quickly, although the broken is a fucking awesome song
Good apollo iv vol 1 is on level with afterman: descension for my second favourite

Also watched a few of the neverender shows on youtube last night, The final cut is even cooler on that dvd

ps this is the funniest shit i've seen in a long long time

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I first heared about them with Good Apollo...Vol 1, and the friend who introduced me to them was quite surprised that I digged them, as I was myself, cause normally "strange" voices aren't my cup of tea.
Still really digging every album of them, altho I'm not as fond of the first 2 as I am of the later ones.
Safe to say that C&C are my girlfriends favorite band (she likes them even more than I do), so I get to hear them more than I would listen to myself hehe

The production is really interesting and cool on most albums too I think!

Seen them live once, on the year of the black rainbow tour, and it was flawless. Stood right in fron of claudio, which was pretty amazing to see someone performing something like that, from so close.