Coheed VS Metal


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
People, listen up! I went to a Coheed and Cambria concert on the 29th and I just have one thing to say. It pwned the fuck out of most metal shows.

Not because of the music, it was medicore at best... but I mean in terms of violence. Going into this show I expected it to be a fucking breeze, just stand there and listen with minimum difficultly keeping my spot. I simply was not prepared for what lied ahead.

Honestly, I've been to some fucking brutal shows. Arch Enemy, Dimmu Borgir, Amon Amarth, Iron Maiden, etc... but I can honestly say that this show was worst than all of those, except Dimmu Borgir. The crowdsurfing at Coheed was fucking insane, worse than even at Arch Enemy, and that was at epic proportions already. The fucking crowdsurfers came in twos and threes, I'm not exaggerating. At any second you'd have two or three random assholes drop out of FUCKING NOWHERE on your head, flailing and kicking you in the face. As if that wasn't bad enough, there wasn't moshing, there was fucking CRAZED FANBOIS AND FANGURLS clawing their fucking way to the front, going absolutely insane to get to the gate.

I held onto my spot at the gate (with much fighting mind you) during the whole show until one crowdsurfing chinese guy, who must have been like almost 6 feet and 250 pounds landed SQUARE on my head and my tooth went through my tongue. I was already fucking mad from getting kicked in the face 20 times prior to that, but this guy wasn't some fuckign 14 year old emofag so I let him have it. I fucking smoked him three times in the face. I punched him the fuck out, his glasses flew off his face :lol: It was fucking epic. I swear to god, I wish I had it on tape. They way his glasses flew off his face with such force and did a barrel roll was lulzy as fuck. I fucking "Rocky'd" him. He did that whole face turn 90 degree thing... :lol: I'm not proud I hit the guy, I lost my temper, but I only thank god there was the bouncers there to pull him away from me cuz I swear to god I would stomped his ass.

Anyways, I had lost my place at that point because of all the commotion and whatever, so I asked this kid to move back and let me in front and he said "He couldn't" so I fucking threw everyone out of the way and said "Yeh, you can now man" and then he goes "Let me rephrase... I don't want to"... I fucking lost it, but he looked like some babyfaced 16 year old so I didn't punch him out, but I headbutted him, at half strength, just like out of anger before I restrained myself... but I got that faggot back, I destroyed his ribs by pushing back onto the gate, the look on his face was priceless as I dug my fist into his ribs... anyway I got my spot back and endured the rest of the show.

It was fucking epically insane though. I've never fought more with people at a concert in my life, and I've had to throw down at a few shows before. I broke a kid's nose at Amon Amarth (IN SELF DEFENSE) I'm not a dick I know the concert atmosphere I'm only violent if I need to be to keep myself/friends safe. But seriously, most metal shows aren't even half as bad as this was. I guess metalheads have a respect for one another, and aren't fucking crazed to scream OMGILUVU to the band. Seriously, these little kids are dangerous. Althoguh they were easy to scare off, once you got rid of one 3 more rushed into the vaccuum. There was SO MUCH MORE FIGHTS and shit, so many stories but this is already waaay too fucking long.

I don't care, I know there's gonna be some people saying some dumb shit, but I am a strong person, I can take a fucking beating and this was a fucking insane show. I was in shock after, in a funny way. I stil lcan't believe how bad it was :lol:

tl;dr - I kicked a bunch of emokid's asses and a coheed show is more deadly than arch enemy.
^:lol: Of me or from that show? Because eventhough I did bring my camera to that show, it was never used... for obvious reasons. I never really had a chance it was non-stop insanity.
^:lol: Of me or from that show? Because eventhough I did bring my camera to that show, it was never used... for obvious reasons. I never really had a chance it was non-stop insanity.

Ye it'd be weird if you punched someone out and then was like: "Wait, wait lemme take a pic before I bash anyone else":p
Ahh. This is propably the strongest reason why I havent gone to any kind of concerts/festivals at all :lol:

:lol: No man, metal shows aren't like this at all, granted if you're on the gate you're gonna get pushed a lot and maybe crushed at times... and there's always crowd surfers to watch out for and moshing but :lol: That's all fun and part of the show.

What I described at this show was nothing like any other concert I've been too. I saw GWAR and COF the next night and it wasn't even 1/4 as bad.

Ye it'd be weird if you punched someone out and then was like: "Wait, wait lemme take a pic before I bash anyone else":p

:lol: Yeh, I was lucky though, the bouncers almost threw my ass out :S
^:lol: sure, sure

Ive seen arch enemy twice, front row, amon amarth twice as well front row.. dimmu front row once, 2nd time was a bit back but still half of wacken behind me and 60k crowdsurfers per minute. Iron Maiden wasnt even close to brutal :lol:

But whatever :rofl: