college gossip: PEEPING TOM


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
so last night i was working with a couple of BC girls, and one of them had, over the weekend, been the victim of a PEEPING TOM in the dorm showers. she had been in one of the stalls when she noticed a guy on his hands and knees peering up at her from under the divider. she probably should have booted him in the face, but was so shocked she could only say "EXCUSE ME?" he disappeared, but then--even after knowing she'd seen him!--started to try to pull himself up to look OVER the top of the stall.

so she grabbed a towel and started go to report him but he fled.

the next night, same shower room, a girl had emerged from the shower to find the PEEPER had crawled into her stall and was about to stand up. she screamed. her roommate heard and ran to the bathroom and tried to key in, but the guy ran to the door and held it shut and snapped off the lights. the roommate turned and ran back to her room to get her cellphone and the guy fled.

they reported it, but the police didn't take it seriously and said someone would come by to check it on Monday (it was Saturday). they were like, what the greg? and their RAs had a meeting where they said the police had told them "it was a boy showering in the girls' shower, calm down". okay. they also said "ok, one girl thinks she might have seen a guy, the other did actually see him..." and the girl i know was like "ummm thinks? might have? no."

so the RA had her look at pictures of everyone in the dorm--the guy had on slippers and pajama pants even though it was during the blizzard--and they picked out a guy they think it was.

the police went to his room and he admitted everything. immediately suspended and removed from campus. normally, the university wants to not file criminal charges, and keep this stuff internal, but the police had fucked it up so much that they will probably have to make an example of this kid, and throw the book at him, to take the heat off their cops (other cops, when they heard of what the initial response was, were very upset, so i guess it's just a few loser cops). also, the two girls are filing some sort of complaint charges against the BCPD, so there will probably ALSO be disciplinary action taken on the cops.

i feel kind of sorry for the guy's girlfriend, who lived on the floor of the PEEPING, and who'd been dating him two years. and seriously the guy must be really fucked up, because he went back twice in a row! after he knew he had been seen! and the first PEEPING, he kept PEEPING even after being seen. he must have wanted to be caught. and man, being known as a PEEPER your entire life...oh well.
p.s. PEEPER MCPEEPERSON's name is JONATHAN SILVEIRA and within hours after his booting, all of his information was wiped from the BC website, including his photograph. fuckers.
another funny thing was that i guess they gave out a description of the guy at a hall meeting they had, and upon hearing it, a lot of girls started saying "i think i've seen that guy around! he's so incredibly creepy! who is he! he has bug eyes! what a weirdo! man you can just tell he's a PEEPER!"

and of course the guy's girlfriend was sitting there, unaware (yet) it was her bf. i wonder if she was thinking it was her bf, by the description? or if, in retrospect, she was like "hey!"
Veils_of_Cerpintaxt said:
That's nuts, the rumor around our dorms is that some psychotic guy wandered in a few weeks ago and raped another guy.
please replay the entire story in Penthouse Letter style so that I can masturbate properly.
