Colour Haze is officially the greatest band ever, seriously.


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
I've been thinking about this for a few days...

I've heard all of their releases besides "Seven". Every single song on every single album is good. Great, infact. When I got the s/t I was blown away, but I in no way expected their earlier works (like "Periscope" and "CO2") to be just the same quality. Not many bands can do this...

Even "Chopping Machine", which is TOTALLY DIFFERENT (lyrically and musically) from all of their other stuff, is fucking gold. What's the deal with this album anyway? It's not listend on their website, nor does its style correspond with any of their previous efforts. Lyrics about killing people? What?

"Chopping Machine" is so fucking weird and good. "Periscope" is the only one I have, but I'll be picking up the s/t and "Los Sounds..." soon!
Krautrock+hendrix+ROCK N' ROLL + lots of riffs + smooth, warm tones + cool songs = WIN!

Edit: I'm really bad at describing music, yes?
Yeah, for sure it's related. It's worlds apart from the desert/Kyuss/whatever stoner as far as I'm concerned, though there might be some common ground in the psychedelia influence. Awesome band though, seriously.
I read an interview with one of the dudes and when asked about "chopping machine" he kinda shrugged it off as being from a completely different time, another mindset and all. Definitely apparent. I've always just likened it to how Pantera says their first album is "Cowboys from Hell" ha ha

but yeah, everything Colour Haze has done is GOLD
although the s/t greatly surpasses everything that had done previously.
I would have a hard time believing anyone who said "I don't like them," even a lot of the closed minds around here. :dopey:

JayK, shoot me an email and I'll upload the self-titled tonight. They are The Who meets Kyuss.
lizard said:
btw I just ordered that Boris - Akimbo no Udder.

Good album. I only have the jap version (w/ some different music) but the Brazilian version that just came out (the one you ordered I assume) sounds like it might be worth picking up too
lizard said:
I think you're thinking of the Mabuta No Ura (Brazil)

fucking japs why can't they use english :lol:

haha yeah, that's the one. i guess your little name trick confused me more than i thought.

either way, Akuma no Uta rules too!
Colour Haze: many people will say the s/t is the best. I don't have it, but what I've heard rules. Good place to start.

Boris: Heavy Rocks? It has Lori Acid King on guest vox for one song!