combining superior drummer with samples


Aug 2, 2011
Was just wondering,
everyone here really likes samples, i mean the samples we post in this forum for eaxmple. now, i am using superior drummer for my drums, is there a way to combine thise samples with superior drummer? i guess i will have to just mute the snare mic for example in superior, and then put druamgog on a duplicatyed channel and just use the snare?
I'm not sure which DAW you are using, but in Cubase you can activate instrument tracks and then in the SD mixer you select multi output. That sends the kicks to one track, snare to another etc etc. Then you just insert Drumagog on the intrument tracks you want to blend/replace/whatever. As far as I know Drumagog doesn't work with MIDI so you need to have some sort of audio to trigger it.
I do pretty much what you said in the OP. Remove the kick/snare/toms from the Superior kit and use samples in Drumagog. And I use MIDI with Drumagog and it works fine.
What DAW are you using? In Cubase, I now use the method maggot described as it' s pretty easy and I can blend samples like the (snare) rooms in Superior with the direct Slate or whatever but the Drumagog method works fine too if you don't care about that. In Cubase, before I discovered the multi output, I still didn't have to make duplicate midi tracks which can be a pain to edit. i just set the output of the snare to Drumagog and left the rest to Superior.
I use reaper. but i can send multiple outputsveasily. putting drumagog on top of superior wont make some letancy though?
I use reaper. but i can send multiple outputsveasily. putting drumagog on top of superior wont make some letancy though?

Not enough to notice. If it gets to be too bad you can always just bounce the track.
how do you guys duplicate the snare track? after activating multi tracks that is i am using cubase 5 but couldnt do that so am using some alternatives
how do you guys duplicate the snare track? after activating multi tracks that is i am using cubase 5 but couldnt do that so am using some alternatives
Midi sends. Click the "e" on your midi drum track and then you can SEND that track to up to 4 virtual instruments.
Midi sends. Click the "e" on your midi drum track and then you can SEND that track to up to 4 virtual instruments.

I hate this in cubase, I mean only 4 virtual instruments (I'm using reaper now, and there I can use as much as I like), if you like use more than 4 samples for kick and snare you must duplicate your midi track
I do pretty much what you said in the OP. Remove the kick/snare/toms from the Superior kit and use samples in Drumagog. And I use MIDI with Drumagog and it works fine.

I have never gotten the midi in drumagog to work.

Also, one thing about if you blend with drumagog, i find that using the "mix" knob and blending from there isnt as efficient as blending 2 tracks. The way i blend samples is

1. multi out in superior mixer (lets say kick it output 1)
2. create multi out on superior (through reaper in my case)

now you have a track on your DAW with just the kick drum. From there i create a send to a blank track (pre fx) and then insert drumagog on the duplicate track. Then balance the 2 tracks to taste