Comic Books, Graphic Novels, etc.

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
So who here is into them? And which ones are you into?

I have to say, I never developed a fondness for them. As a kid, I'd buy comics based on the coolness of their cover artwork, and then never read them. But then again, as a kid, I was hyper as fuck, and very little could hold my attention for more than eight seconds.:Smokin:

Well, I have a Conan collection that is almost embarrassing... I haven't bought any for about five years, though, but Tully sparked my interest again a few months ago, hehe...

After watching all the X-Men movies half a week ago, I was VERY close to running out and buying everyhting I could find, but luckily, I didn't!

Just trust me on this one
Preacher, Sandman, and various other "adult" type ones. I don't read a whole lot of them though, just a select few.