Commercial Consumption/normalcy Thread


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
Now drinking:
I have no will power to give them up. Closest I came was over last winter I was down to 1 pack a week. That's shot to hell right know as I'm up to at leasta 1 pack a day. My lungs are kind of sore.
my sister quit for three years and started while we were in vegas. we were in a suite with all smokers. EVERYONE was smoking there. it was hell. but i didn't smoke. i was just a total fucking bitch. hahhaha
I don't know what that is but it don't sound good. But the hardest thing for me is to not smoke whilst I'm drinking, and since I drink 6 days a week in summer I don't even try. Also during college football season is bad. I go on all day binges in bars down in Madison. Ungood for quitting. I plan on putting a real effort forth starting in December.
dudes, there's no time like the present. if you keep putting it off, chances are you won't quit. there's NEVER a good, easy time. I just bit the bullet and did it and never looked back. I feel so much better now, even if I did put on some poundage. I rather not smell like an ashtray, have more money and no coughing fits/hacking up lungs.
I'm going to politely disagree with avi (although he has years of success under his belt to back him). Figure out a good, reasonable time you're going to quit and STICK WITH IT. Like, I knew I would have a rough time going camping (where we traditionally just sat by the fire all day and smoked) without cigarettes, so I decided that I would stop the day that vacation ended.

If you can reason with yourself it's pretty easy not to smoke, I think. Just don't pick an ironclad quitting time and then backslide soon after--it'll hurt your resolve the next so-called "ironclad quitting time".
oh, also, it gets easier every day--the first day or two is the hardest, and it just keeps getting easier. cigarettes start tasting like shit and you feel better overall so you're motivated to keep it up.
well yeah, everyone's different but I do have the authority of experience.

I went from cheap cigs to non-filters to only high quality cigs (shermans usually) to hand-rolled in my effort to slow myself. except for the yellow fingers, there was definitely something more satisfying to the hand-rolls.
if it's any consolation or help, my mom quit smoking after 25 years the following way: she picked a day, 25 days from the day she decided to quit. she used the nicotine patch. she's been off the butts for quite some time now. i quit using the patch too.