Comparison between 2 masters.


Jul 18, 2017
Here is a comparison of the same song, but with different approach to master,new one also has few tiny changes in mix itself(boost to kick at 10k, tiny level changes, and some other stuff I dont remember).

Song is Putrid manifestation ov Isis(Tech death) by Chris Lucas.

The question to you guys is which mix sound more dynamic. There is obvious differnce of volume beacuse I got rid of obnoxious compression and limiting that older mix had. As I hear main difference is in drums, even despite being not as loud they are still heareble( problem with the older one was that turning volume down in a slightest, led to them getting drowned). There is a clear difference in waveworm , older one is constantly at the peak, I dont know how tf should i call it but, it's just like one continous line(somewhat, idk).
Old: Old.wav?dl=0

Also, I was doing exactly the same mastering through almost all of my mixes. Thus, I'd like to ask you to check my older mixes, and tell me if they also lack dynamics(The ones that are louder are using two compressors, so does a old version of the song.
Here they are:
The old one's clipping all the time, that's why its waves are a constant flat line, the new one keeps some of the clipping but sounds better than the old, but still they're both pretty bad (sorry for my brutal honesty), I also listened to your other tracks, "I am singularity" doesn't sound that bad, but still guitars are clipping too much (anyway they're waaaay better than the "Isis" files, plus the tone's pretty cool for "djent" stuff). Try not to compress the shit out of your tracks, go by little steps, but overall try staying consistent while recording and keep the best takes possible, spend more time on this rather than "fix it later in the mix", sometimes you won't even need to compress 'em at all (at least that's what I found out, so don't take this as pure gold since it's not coming from CLA or any other "master" engineer).
Then don't use the same mastering template on everything, just don't, they're not all the same song, so I gues each one needs to be treated individually. Never go for the "quick and easy" way.
Cheers! :kickass:
Thanks for feedback! Brutal honesty is the best kind of honesty IMO.

By saying that I use the same mastering I meant use same plugins usually. I always build mixes from the ground up without using any templates. :D
I didn't record guitars nor vocals, it's cover (Like everything on my soundcloud ;d).
When it comes to compression I only have it on vocals, kick, snare, overheads, room mic, leads and a fairly subtle one on master(thats not only I guess :d).
Here is a third take on it: manifestation of isis mix cover.wav?dl=0
I've made sure that nothing clips a good few times( except for toms at 1 moment for a split second ) and changed tone to a less "gainy".
Once again, thanks for reply!