Comparison of different mixes and amp sims


Mar 31, 2009
SOooooo.... I got three mixes here and they each have their own unique qualities but, It's difficult to come to a conclusion about which one I like the best. I could definitely use a fresh pair of ears.

General Info: Im using AD for drums on all the tracks and ampeg vst for bass (though my bass = squire so don't expect too much with that).

Edit: FINAL MIX of the Great Demise SC limit vox.mp3

soloc + waves x-noise

Mix 1 of the Great Demise.mp3

This mix was done using solo c for the guitars with Carthis Studios awesometime impules and the engl high pres impulse. Slight compression with no noise gate on guitars. There is no reverb on the guitars.

Mix 2 of the Great Demise Studio Devil no ir voc.mp3

The Guitars on this mix were done with Studio Devil Tube Vst. There are no impulses used. Just used a touch of eq and that was it.

Mix 3
OK, so It gets better (I hope) of the Great Demise master Compression.mp3

Guitars again are studio devil with no impulses. This time, guitars got a touch of reverb and the bass is turned up.

New test with Nick Crow 7170. It sounds somewhat in between the three of them which is good I guess. of the Great Demise NC vocalsw.mp3
I think mix 1 sounds the best. The guitars sound meaty as hell. Do you have a link to the impulses you used, and how did you arrange them? You listed two impulses, so did you use both impulses on each guitar track, or one impulse for one guitar track, and one for the other?
Ya I think so too but it sounds somewhat muddy and not as crisp ill try adding a noise gate.

Solo c: input 8, crunch 7, overdrive 8.5, od boost on, contour 6, bass 4.5, mid 2, High 8, master 5

Guitar 1: awesometime
Guitar 2: engl

I lost the link unfortunately but im sure you can find it easily on here

I reaalllly like my guitar tone to be crisp and when I brighten the guitars on soloc they sound really synthetic.

What are my options for cleaning up the tone without just raising above 1khz and making it sound cheap?
I recommend you to use BTE TS´secret or Simulanalog Tubescreamer (or both) first in your chain, and turn down overdrive and shut off OD-boost in SoloC. It will be much tighter sounding with less noise (Never had problems with to much noise with this chain). Same for 7170 and 8505. You even can try dandeliums tip to use SoloC for boosting 8505 for example.