Complete Anthrax Discography?


Feb 15, 2002
Malden, MA
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I was just wondering where I can find a complete Anthrax discography of all their soundtrack / compilation / tribute CD songs? Basically Im looking for all the rare / unreleased songs that they officially released that have never appeared on an album. I would like to make a cd of them all and any other rare stuff that's floating round out there. Thanks!
Well, I notcied they didn't have the Twisted Sister tribute cd up their so I just didn't want to forget anything and wanted to get as complete a list as possible.
Try goin to It's a tab site but the guy has all the albums that I've heard of.....never knew of the TS tribute tune, cool though! Like for instance Moshers:1986-1995 or something like that......I never heard of that album nor knew of it's exsistence so that's another one I "need" for my collection. All you'd lose is time lookin if anything.