[COMPLETE!] Djent Progressive Demos - Regiment


Sep 5, 2009
Lansing/Ann Arbor, Michigan
Finally finished the demos. Check em out. They aren't djent alll the time, but deff have a bit of that feel for some parts.

ZIP Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3371179/Regiment - MP3 Demos (2011).rar

Individual MP3s:
- Devoid (Intro): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3371179/01 Devoid (Intro).mp3
0:27 I loveee how everything sounds once everything comes in. Check it out!

- Sheer Enmity: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3371179/02 Sheer Enmity.mp3
The beginning has a technical djenty sort of feel.

- Fading From Euphoria: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3371179/03 Fading From Euphoria.mp3
People's favorite mix. I doubled the vocals, lowered one of the layers by 3 half steps, and pulled it back -3 dB.
Check out the sweeping guitar / vocal craze at 1:24 andddd the crunchy sounding lows at 2:42

7 Strings, G#, passive pickups.
TSE808 -> TSEx1.6 sov -> preshigh -> para EQ

Maximizer -> TSEx1.6 -> Ampeg SVT 58 (or something like that) -> Multiband Compressor

Kick (SSD k10)
Graphic EQ

Snare (SSD Metal Hyb)
Compression -> Para EQ -> GlaceVerb

HARD Compression, Thres around -40, attack at 8 ms, release at 35 ms -> EQ -> Echo -> Reverb

sounds pretty good to me, im just listening on headphones tho.

if you wouldn't mind you should post Fading From Euphoria for mixing practice, i could be super interested in giving this ago, i have never anything even a little djent.

The songs writing i really like a lot.
what did you use for guitars?
Thank you guys for the comments!

Guitar settings:
7 Strings, G#, passive pickups.
TSE808 -> TSEx1.6 sov -> preshigh -> para EQ

and I found that the lows could be turned up a bit more actually... Oh well.