Complete noob


New Metal Member
May 31, 2009
I want to finally put the money into getting a nice rig. I've always been very skimpy on my gear and am suffering for it now. My ideal sound is the euro-metal, In Flames-Clayman sound. I currently own a 5150 that's not in the best shape. The pots crackle like hell and I don't think it's ever been retubed. My cabinet got stolen so I'm in the market for a new one and I'm thinking about The Framus Cobra 4X12.

So my question really is, being a total tone noob, what should I do? My ideal answer would be a run down of everything I need to get to make that sound somewhat of a reality for me. From the 5150 to Cab to whatever pedals I might need to the last cord.

Also, is FJA Mods something I should think about? I've read a lot people talk about how great his stuff is.
Well the 5150 would be your amp, he was talking about cabs ;) (and I agree, Framus cabs aren't very highly regarded, especially for their retarded prices in the US)
AFAIK Harley Bentons aren't available in the US, though - and Goldhunter, I assume that's where you're based out of since you linked to the above page, so for anyone in the US a used Mesa Rectifier Standard (Oversized) cab is without a doubt the best bet; they go for ~$500 all the time on craigslist for examples in great condition! (they're awesome cabs, it's just that there are so goddamn many of them out there they don't hold their value, which is great for us! :D)
I'd suggest a Mesa oversized cab or even a traditional cab. The oversized is probably better but the traditional is still great.

I'd also take your 5150 to a tech and get it serviced, as it might end up cheaper than buying a new one. If you're after that Clayman sound, there is no other amp out there for you other than the 5150/6505 series! They sound amazing, and are very cheap in comparison to what other amps are out there.

If you get a chance to try out Mesa Dual Rectifiers I highly suggest doing so. It will be a different sound to the 5150's by a long way, but they are more popular in the heavy metal world. How much money you have to spend doesn't really have a whole bunch to do with it because even if you can afford some seriously boutique amps, they still won't sound 'better' than these amps...they'll just sound 'different'.

If you get a chance to try a Rectifier, you will no doubt want to use an Ibanez tubescreamer or some other kind of overdrive in front of it to give it a boost. They really benefit a lot from this.

There is also a thread in the 'production tips' section that is all about getting the 'Clayman' guitar sound so feel free to go there and have a read and see what you can get ahold of. :)
mesa oversized. or a marshall 1960 but it wont be as ballsy. arch enemy usta use 1960's back in the day so if your after thay type of old school black metal tone i'd say a 1960. otherwise for a flames tone a mesa oversized.
Oh yeah, and +1 to what Dylan said, but while I wouldn't necessarily say the Dual Rec is more popular than the 5150 for metal (around even overall I'd say, though the ratios vary depending on the scene), I personally like it better!
I am just basing what I said on my personal favourite albums, and many more of them are recorded with Rectifiers than 5150s.

On a side note, I'm trading my Marshall TSL100 in for a 6505 or 6505+ soon! :D
Yeah, same here, but then again there's the whole melodeath/metalcore contingent that swears by 5150's! (love the music, well melodeath anyway, never been overly keen on the guitar tones). Still, a 6505 will be an awesome acquisition to complement your Rectifier dude, but if I were you I think I'd rather have a Krank! :D
Really? They go for great prices used all day over here! (or are you deadset on throwing your money away and buying new? :D)
Hardly anyone owns Krank's here in Auz and I have literally NEVER seen a new one, and I am also quite keen on getting myself a nice new amp. My last 3 gear purchases (ellraiser, loomis sig and recto halfstack) have all been used and it'd be nice to get a new head with a warranty and all that jazz.
here's another vote for taking the 5150 to a good tech, and picking up a mesa OS cab somewhere...that shit is god's(or the devil's) rig for what you're saying you want
Arch Enemy is not old school black metal. Never was. Period. In fact, saying that is almost an insult to real old school black metal bands.